Healthy body, healthy mind...

Ironman Florida 2023

Swim 1:45, Bike 6:14, Run 4:47, Finish 13 hours 6 min!

A couple of years ago I was hit by a car while cycling... broke hand and damaged back.. just 2 weeks before an Ironman. I refused to let it stop me from trying. I worked 2.5 years at strengthening my battered bones to shuffle to the Ironman Florida finish line 😎! 

I felt euphoric at the finish line knowing the pain was over. And it felt great to work over the last 30 months to overcome injuries as much as possible. I elevated my pain tolerance level many times over the last couple of years.

I reflected on the odd work/career and life setbacks that one can’t control. It was critical for me to get to that finish line to say “no” to all of those negative things. 

And I reflected on all the awesome 😎 family and friends in my life to inspire me to work harder. 

I had amazing support from my great friend Ian Carlo Flores !

Post-50 Triathlon in Lake Worth in Oct 2020

Keeping in shape after 50

My midlife crisis (I turned 50 in October 2020!): I signed up for a triathlon!  A few more planned for 2021.... Follow me on Strava!

Longest run (in 2021, since marathon days): 22 km (1:47) (I last ran seriously a decade ago... it is hard learning to run again!)

Longest ride (in 2020): 257 km (9:37) (Winnipeg - Minaki)

Longest swim (in 2018): 10km (4:10) (completed Harbour Island, Minaki)

I skateboard our dog each day... so much fun on a Carver!

Post-50 Triathlon in Ft Lauderdale Feb 2021

My younger years...

Earlier life stuff (mostly) before academics took over:

Marathons: Canadian International 1997, 1999; Niagara Falls 1997; Manitoba 1998; Edmonton 2000; Honolulu 2000; Boston 2000, 2001, 2002; Seattle, 2003; Melbourne, 2004, Toronto, 2009, 2012. Completed the 2001 Boston Marathon in 3:05:25.

My Canadian youth:  North American Junior Short Track Speedskating Champion, 1500m, 3000m; North American Record, 1500m (Marquette, Michigan, 1989).  North American Junior Short Track Speedskating Champion (Minneapolis, 1987).  Canadian Junior Short Track Speedskating Champion (Cambridge, 1987); Double Silver Medalist, Canada Winter Games (Sydney, 1987); Nominee, Manitoba Youth Athlete of the Year (1987); Manitoba Order of Sports Excellence Recipient (1983-1987). 


"The Heights" in Barrie, Canada, in 2017.

Boston Marathon


3 hours 5 minutes

Boston Marathon


3 hours 5 minutes

Canadian International Marathon


3 hours 7 minutes