Department Manual | Standard Operating Procedures

102 - Officer Conduct

102.1 Professional Responsibilities

All employees of the Law Enforcement must:

102.2 Integrity

All employees of the Law Enforcement must:

102.3 Office Goals

The Law Enforcement and each member will strive to:

102.4 Personal Appearance & Accessories

102.41 Tattoos

102.42 Hair

102.43 Facial Hair

102.44 Jewelry

102.45 Glasses

103.46 Exemptions

102.5 Social Media & Mobile Phone Usage

102.51 Mobile Phone Usage

Onduty Officers are granted limited mobile phone usage whilst on patrol provided they comply with the following conditions:

102.52 Social Media

102.6 Rewards

102.61 Officer Of The Month

Officer of The Month is awarded by the supervisory team each month. Supervisors all nominate 4 to 5 Officers they believe are deserving to be put forward to a department wide vote. The winner of this vote is awarded "Officer Of The Month" and is given 2 weeks of Unmarked Patrol capability.

102.62 Most Active Officer (Monthly)

Most Active Officer is awarded at the end of the month to the Officer who clocked the most patrol hours within the month. They too, are awarded with the ability to do Unmarked Patrol for 2 weeks.

Consult Section 103.84 Plainclothed Officers for policy on this.

Unmarked Patrol vehicles must be slicktop and plain in colour (black, silver, grey, white, navy, etc.).