Department Manual | Standard Operating Procedures

103 - Rules & Regulations

103.1 Leave of Absence (LOA) & Reduction of Activity (ROA)

103.11 LOA/ROA Information

Leave of Absence and Reduction of Activity Status allows us to maintain department members whilst continuing to monitor and maintain activity within the department.

LOAs/ROAs must have a definite end date or they cannot be granted. 

103.12 Terms and Conditions

Leave of Absence (LOA): When LOA, you may not RP on the server as a Civilian, LOA is LOA from the server in its entirety not just Law Enforcement. You may only be LOA for more than 1 month with approval from Command. 

Reduction of Activity (ROA): When ROA, your individual activity requirements are reduced from the standard 5 hours per week to 2 hours per week. You may not be ROA for longer than 1 month. 

103.13 Filing LOA/ROA Request

Officers must complete the DOSARP Law Enforcement LOA/ROA Form, providing the appropriate details. This will automatically be put in place and logged on the roster. Supervisors will then review the reason and grant you the LOA or ROA in the department discord, or revoke the LOA/ ROA if the reason is deemed not valid.

103.2 Promotions

103.21 Information

Promotions within the main department up to and including the rank of Corporal are handled by the Supervisory Team (Sergeants and First Sergeants). Officers must reach certain criteria, given below, before they can be considered eligible for promotion.
If you feel you are deserving of a promotion you have not yet received, you may request an Officer Progress Review, details outlined in section 3.2 of this SOP.

103.22 Promotion Eligability Criteria:

In summary, the 3 eligibility requirements are time, activity and behaviour.

Internal Sub-Division Promotions fall under the responsibility of the Sub-Division Leads and the Supervisory team respective to each subdivision.

103.3 Disciplinary Action

103.31 Supervisor Responsibility

Supervisors reserve the right to take disciplinary action against department members under them in the Chain of Command who do not follow the Standard Operating Procedures.

Department Supervisory must adhere to the following guidelines when considering disciplinary action:

103.32 Types of Disciplinary Action

All forms of Disciplinary action are logged automatically in order to keep track of each offence (i.e 1st, 2nd and 3rd offence).

103.33 Procedure Violations

331. Inactivity:
Failing to meet 5 hour per week activity requirements for an extended period of time without an approved ROA or LOA. 

332. Insubordination:
Refusal to comply with a superior Officer’s orders.

333. Breaking Uniform and/or Vehicle Structure:
Knowingly refusing to comply with the given structure.
Unknowingly misinterpreting structures will simply be corrected by a supervisor without punishment.

334. Violating RTO:
Poor radio transmissions.
Example(s): Interrupting other transmissions for no reason; using explicit language.

335. Dangerous or Unrealistic Driving:
Driving your vehicle (whilst onduty) in a manner that fails to consider the safety of the public, yourself and the potential damage to state property (the police vehicle) regardless of running code or not.

336. Abuse of Power:
Misuse of the power entrusted to you by the people.
Example(s): Upgrading misdemeanor charges to a felony charge without cause; Suspension of licence without cause; using police lights or siren without reason.

337. Conduct unlikely of a Police Officer:
Act inappropriately as an Officer to the public that you serve.
Example: Using rude or aggressive tone where unesseccary or more serious examples of harassment.

338. Misuse of Non-Lethal Force:
Using non-lethal force where a reasonable threat to yourself or others is not present beyond a reasonable doubt.

339. Misuse of Lethal Force:
Using lethal force where a reasonable threat to yourself or others is not present beyond a reasonable doubt.

3310. Other miscellaneous violations of Procedure other than those listed above.
Supervisors should use discretion when dealing with procedure violations not explicity listed above.

103.4 Progress Reviews

Officers Ranked Officer 1 to Corporal may request a ‘Progress Review’ from the Supervisory Team at any point.

103.41 How to request a Progress Review 

You can request a Progress Review via Verbal Request or DM to ANY Supervisory Staff (following chain of command).
If you feel you are deserving and think you may have been overlooked, Supervisors have specific parameters that they must deem you have reached before eligible for promotion. In that case, requesting a Progress Review is the best course of action.

103.42 Supervisor's Responsibility

103.5 Reserve Officers

103.51 Reserve Rank Authority

Reserve Officers (X-Ray Callsigns) a regarded as Senior Officers and therefore fall alongside Corporal regarding Chain of Command.

They report to Supervisors like every other officer however are outside the scope of activity requirement and do not fall within a alloted Division (A, B, C or D), much like Department Command.

103.52 Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility for the Reserve Officer rank is handled on a case by case basis by Community Management. In summary, to be eligible for Reserve Officer, you must have made significant (not financial) contribution to the server and/or department for an extended period of time.

103.6 Reinstatement

103.61 Reinstatement Criteria

An Officer who meets all of the following criteria:

is eligable for re-instatement, without application nor training.

Disclaimer*: Retraining may be required if there has been major change in procedure in the time of their absence.

103.62 Reinstatement Ranks

Officers who leave at or above the rank Corporal may only be reinstated at the rank of Corporal.

Officers ranked Police Officer I to Police Officer III are to be reinstated at a their previous rank without demotion.

103.8 Uniform Policy

103.71 Uniform Types

The following Patrol Uniforms must be worn at all times by all officers:

103.72 General Regulations

103.73 Exceptions

103.74 Plainclothed Officers

Plainclothed Officers must conform to the following standards.

103.75 Miscellaneous Uniforms

103.76 Service Stripes

All officers may wear their rewarded service stripes on their Class A & B uniforms.

All default uniforms can be found in the /eup menu.