SWAT Commander: First Sergeant Frank Brown


Our Mission

SWAT responds upon the request of the Incident Commander (IC), who shall made said request if the developing events arise the need for its expertise and assistance with unusual circumstances beyond the capabilities of normal warrant service; heavily fortified location; weapons are present and have been used in the past; gang members are known to be present; use of diversionary tactics is anticipated; and, door and window pulls are anticipated.


Counter Sniper Unit (CSU)

The Special Weapons and Tactics(SWAT) Counter Sniper Unit (CSU) is a specialised component of a SWAT team dedicated to countering high-risk, precision threats, particularly those posed by armed individuals or suspects in hostage situations, barricaded scenarios, and other critical incidents.

CSU trained officers possess exceptional marksmanship skills and are equipped with specialised firearms and optics to engage and neutralise threats from a concealed and secure position. Working in close coordination with their SWAT team, negotiators and command personnel. The Counter Sniper Unit plays a crucial role in enhancing the safety of both civilians and law enforcement officers during high-stress operations. Their expertise lies in providing accurate intelligence through observation, precise target engagement, and assistance in resolving crises with minimal use of force when possible. 

Tactical Combat Medic (TCM)

The Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Tactical Combat Medics play a vital and unique role within SWAT by providing specialised medical care in high-intensity and potentially dangerous operational environments. These skilled medics are trained to deliver immediate and advanced medical aid to injured team members, hostages, or suspects during critical incidents such as hostage rescues, armed standoffs, or active shooter situations.

Equipped with specialised medical gear, they are proficient in assessing and treating injuries under high stress, while co-ordinating closely with other SWAT team members to ensure seamless integration of medical support into tactical operations. The Tactical Combat Medics contribute to the overall safety and effectiveness of SWAT operations by enhancing the team's ability to provide life-saving medical interventions, thereby increasing the chances of positive outcomes and minimising casualties in high-stakes scenarios. 

Rapid Response Unit (RRU)

Rapid Response Unit allows for trained SWAT officers to carry tactical equipment on their regular patrols, so that they are able to deploy at any time if a high risk situation ensues. 

Rapid-Response S.W.A.T. officers will take scene command as soon as they arrive on certain scenes, such as bank robberies, hostage situations etc. Again, this means that more qualified officers, with the means to deal with these situations can instantly get the situation under control whilst awaiting backup from other SWAT officers.

SWAT Training Officer (STO)

Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Training Officers (STO) are experienced and highly skilled members of a Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) team who take on a critical role in training and developing fellow officers for specialised tactical operations. Drawing from their extensive expertise, these training officers design and conduct trainings to ensure SWAT team members are proficient in various tactical disciplines, including close quarters combat, firearms proficiency, breaching techniques, tactical communication, and hostage rescue protocols.

They provide hands-on instruction, imparting essential knowledge and honing the team's skills through realistic scenarios and simulations. Additionally, SWAT Training Officers stay updated on the latest tactics, technology, and best practices, enabling them to adapt training curricula to evolving threats and operational requirements. Their dedication to maintaining high standards of performance and safety helps shape a cohesive, capable, and effective SWAT team, equipped to handle the complexities and challenges of high-risk law enforcement situations.