
The reasons for a dog to become a Stray are many: abandonment, the death of their human, they can simply be born in the streets or they could even have had a home once, loving or not, but for whatever reason chose to run away from it. Each dog has its own particular story to tell. What is common to them, though, is that they are survivors, and find their way through everyday life by scavenging, stealing or depending on the kindness of the humans and dogs around them. 

Other dogs tend to call them ¨Lost dogs of Canidale¨.

Unlike the other factions, strays are the only true loners. They do not have a leader.


They were not always in Canidale. In fact, if we want to talk about stray dogs in this town, we need to travel back to many years after both the Farmstead and the Pets factions were already formed. With the city thriving economically due to farming and mining, many people were attracted to it and to neighboring towns. Quickly, and without much organization, the human population increased drastically - and so did the dog population.

Dogs began to either loose homes, be given away, or simply run away due to different conditions. No one truly knows when the populations increased or what caused it to grow. Perhaps they took inspiration from one another and wanted to view the world through their own lense. Without having to rely on a human. Though that was a big price. 

Others could have lost their families, become lost, or simply ran away from bad conditions. It was always a varied scene.

The growth caused the town to establish a pound. Many dogs found their loved ones and families thanks to it. However, it soon began to gain a reputation of a being a death wish. Many dogs who entered never came back. Where did they go?

From then on, there was a delicate dance between the strays and humans, that still lives to this day. 


*A stray does not NEED to have a focus on one task. They can simply do as they please.


These dogs have been trained to keep an eye on the other factions, as well as to alert other strays and junkyard dogs about any changes in Canidale. They are silent in their work, and tend to go unnoticed by the unwatchful.


These tend to look out for other strays. Used as a line of defense against humans and the other factions if they are pushed. 


Having been trained to go unnoticed like the Scouts, these dogs dip into human homes through doggy doors or across the farmlands - stealing what they can carry to bring to the Junkyard where the Strays have started to call home. They also can be used to locate anything of interest for the faction's benefit.


Though their 'knowledge' of medicine is natural, these dogs are there to treat injuries. They learn from watching Vets at the farm, and while they cannot do what humans do - they are there for their fellow Strays' well being. As they do not have the luxury of humans at paw for their health.


The hunters and gatherers of the Strays, these dogs raid bins OR hunt for food for the hungry mouths of the Stray population. Working together to feed many dogs is no joke.

*Note that these are not the same as jobs like the other factions. They are more of what your characters has more skills with*


**Since strays are loners, they do not have a faction leader and no laws set in stone. Instead, they follow and give advice to one another. It is not a must to follow them, but surely helps to avoid conflict. If you are caught by one of the factions, it will become rather hard to escape issues with them in the future. Reputation can be damaged but also restored.**

Disclaimer: These laws are meant as in-game laws, but as the creators of your character you can make them purposely break these laws which if desired/if caught will result in trial and punishment by the Council. 

Rumors and views


Strays see themselves in all sorts of ways. They know the streets and do not struggle to navigate. What may be harder is finding resources. Though it can be managed. Some ask for help, others stay truly alone. Each to their own. Amongst the strays, there are many rumours despite their attitude of not bothering with other dogs. They are known to have information and the newest gossip. Some of the strays are rather against this, as there is little to care about. Others may know who dunnit. They have stealth and tend to be more of lookout dogs. Rather run than fight. Is that cowardly?


Pets are arrogant and not to be relied on. It is easier to ask for help from a farmstead dog than a haughty pet. Tough, they are aware who is easier to approach. Not all of them are living in la-la land. Some are actually decent dogs and that has to be respected. It is not even to look down on someone. Simply, in the past and from much experience, the strays just tend to be neutral towards pets. Currently, there is too much nuance in that faction, to settle a proper opinion.


These are hardworking dogs that are to be respected. They are more familiar with harsher conditions and are reliable to help if ever needed. The strays are aware the farm dogs can look down upon them. Though, it is manageable as they are rarely mischievous or have bad intentions. Either way, if ever needing a word with the council, farmstead is the one to look for. Easier to access on neutral terms, they tend to be known for their love of work. Right?


Junkyard dogs are the ones to go to. They can be relient and are most helpful towards strays. After all, they situations match. Many strays end up joining their pack. Some leave and become strays once more.If shelter or food is a struggle, perhaps sticking to the junkyard is a good call. However, it is also expected to help in return. Because of this, the pack is to be respected and valued. If issues were to occur, it might be best to go directly to their leader. Things are to be sorted out, as the streets are preffered clean.