
From luxurious show dogs, to scruffy companions, to the attentive service dogs, the Pets faction is full of many different dogs from all types of backgrounds. They make up the bulk of Canidale, with most homes having at least one dog in their residences.

These dogs are often seen as pampered, as many are just companions for their humans and are not seen to have any other purpose in comparison to Farmstead dogs who are bred for duty. However, this is a misconception, as even “just” a companion has an important role to play in the lives of their human counterparts, and many of these dogs do have other important roles they fill. 


The history of the Pet’s faction in Canidale dates back to when the town was formed in the early 1900’s. Canidale was originally a mining town, although those mining tunnels have now long been covered up and forgotten- the history of the town hasn’t. At one point, there were many homes with smaller dogs that could navigate the tunnels to aid the workers with removing debris. 

One of these dogs was called Copper, something of a scrappy terrier known as the first leader of the faction. Like many dogs of this era, he worked alongside his human counterparts, ensuring their safety in the hazardous workplace. 

The terrier, despite his small size, was well respected for his ability to unite the dogs of Canidale. Copper became the first known leader in the history of the Pet’s Faction and also, of Canidale as a whole.

Dogs in Canidale have always had a strong connection to their human counterparts, and this has never changed.

The Pet’s Faction has a strong sense of passion for humans. They know that they are more than just pet’s to these people, they are often times the only family some of these two-legged beings have. They are an integral part of these families, and they are often the heart of the home.

Many homes are filled with dogs who are simply companions, but there are also dogs who have important roles either to their own human or to the entire town.


In Canidale, each dog has the chance to become what they want. Though, some jobs come down to who their owners are as well, so players should keep this in mind.

All dogs may have any job that suits them. Remember that these dogs are there for the reason that the human specifically has them for, therefore, all dogs should have a place ready for them without needing to find it on their own. 

When it comes to the Pets faction, these dogs have an extremely close relationship with their humans, and regardless of their jobs, are considered part of their families. 

Service Dog

Service dogs have been specifically trained to help a specific human with a specific disability. While these can be any breed, they are usually a medium to large, easy to train, intelligent dog. 

Therapy Dog 

Therapy Dogs offer emotional support to a sick or injured human. This can be on an individual basis for the owner’s dog, or to many people in the case they may be employed at a therapy office or visit hospitals, clinics, schools, etc. 

Show Dog

These dogs have been specifically bred and raised to win competitions by humans, and so live a more pampered, but also strict and regimented lifestyle. Show dogs encompass both conformation type shows, as well as athletic trials, etc. This also includes acting or modeling dogs. 

Working Dog

There are many different types of working dogs in Canidale, such as Police Dogs, Smell Detection Dogs, Search and Rescue, etc. The thing these dogs have in common is that they are generally publicly employed and recognized by the humans of Canidale as having a specific job to do (in a way different from service or therapy dogs). 

Homestead Guardian 

These dogs have entered their human’s lives for a specific task; to guard their home from unwanted intruders. While they are also usually considered a part of the human family, some of them are thought of more as an employee of the home. 


Some dogs come into a human’s life for the sole purpose of companionship, and this is just as important a job as any of the other tasks listed above. Companions are a little bit of everything; they are emotional support for their humans, they are protective of their homes, they help keep their humans exercised, and so much more. 


These are the laws that are known among the Pet dogs, they are important to be remembered throughout one's day and with someone's actions. If someone breaks a law, depending on the severity, there will be consequences which will be taken under the heavy gaze of the Canine Council. 

Disclaimer: These laws are meant as in-game laws, but as the creators of your character you can make them purposely break these laws which if desired/if caught will result in trial and punishment by the Council.



Let's be fair, pets have the most suited life. Some may be service dogs which can harden things. However, being a small loaf who is treated better than some people is heaven. Pets see themselves highly. They tend to be aware of the fact that they are not struggling to get by, or working to remain a part of the hive like Farmstead. Though, pets are more independent from one another than some factions. Some can work and strive, while others prefer to nap on the sofa. This can either create fantastic friendships or divide them. Unlike the farm dogs, they do not need to learn cooperation. It has been known throughout history that pets tend to lack understanding. Though, it is to be expected of them to be kind and helpful. Doing their best to learn from the past.


Farmsteads are seen as the lesser dogs. They are viewed as workaholics who will do anything to please a human. It is funny how they see it as a positive thing. As if there was nothing else to life. City dogs are not like that, they know their neighbor and do not have to travel miles to say hello. Such an amusing thought. The hillbillies can fairly stick to their own most of the time. They are not much different from a junkyard with their system (in the eyes of pets). To put it simply, pets look down on the farmlands, and tend to be amused by their attitude towards life. 


... The ones that always need saving. Flawed dogs with zero class. They are always told to help these dogs out. Some may see them as equals, while other pets can treat them with ignorance. Seeing them as unwanted dogs by the people. Dogs can choose to stay away and keep a wary mind. As there is nothing holding the strays back from doing what's best for them. Overall, it is hard to be a pet in those situations. They differ from one another. Some may follow the guidance of the council, others will keep to their own. Making it hard to tell what sort of darling pet you will run into.


Junkyard is a mess. Again, unwanted pets who simply did not want to be alone, unlike strays. It is hardly expected to help these dogs out. They have their little pack after all. Why would they need more. The views that many pets gave to the junkyard dogs, is very close in resemblence to the strays. Again, ones that could not remain at a house. It is sort of funny how they just collected in the dirtiest place of all. Though, who are they to judge. After all, they are the ones who did not want to live in a house.