SCHOOl Council

Executive Position Descriptions

Take a look through the different positions on the executive committees.

See something that is a good fit for you? Let us know!

Time commitments listed are just an example, it all depends how much you want to get involved with


Time Commitment: 4+ hours per month (includes time attending monthly meeting)

Key Attributes:

  • Be a parent of a student attending the school.

  • Be someone who can work collaboratively with others.

  • Have some organizational skills

  • Commit to role for full school year

Chair’s Relationship with the Principal:

Regular and ongoing communication with the school principal. This relationship of mutual trust and respect must be nurtured, being mindful of common goals for the learning community.

Typical Duties:

  • preparing agendas for school council meetings in consultation with the principal

  • chairing and maintaining meeting decorum

  • ensuring that minutes are recorded and maintained

  • communicating with the principal on a regular basis

  • ensuring there is regular communication with the school community, beyond those who attend meetings

  • following existing school council by-laws/operating procedures

  • ensuring roles and responsibilities are clearly defined

  • soliciting input from all members

  • staying informed about school board policy that impacts school council

  • striving to ensure the diversity of the school community is represented on school council

  • promoting teamwork between the school council, principal and staff

  • leading a school council self-evaluation (e.g., completing the annual report to the school board).

  • participate in discussions / decisions / ideas generation to improve the function of Council

  • contribute to successful School Council events as part of organizing / day-of volunteer


Time Commitment: 2 - 3 hours per month (includes time attending monthly meeting)

Typical Duties:

  • chair meetings, in the event the chair is unavailable

  • support the chair in agenda preparation

  • promote teamwork and assist the chair in the smooth running of the meetings

  • keep informed of relevant school and school board policies

  • prepare to assume the responsibility of chairperson in the future

  • participate in discussions / decisions / ideas generation to improve the function of Council

  • contribute to successful School Council events as part of organizing / day-of volunteer


Time Commitment: 3 hours per month (includes time attending monthly meeting)

Typical Duties:

  • act as a recorder at each meeting and ensure the minutes accurately reflect the directions agreed to at the school council meeting

  • keep minutes, correspondence, records and other school council documents (e.g., constitution and operating procedures) filed in an orderly fashion and publicly accessible, in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act

  • have a working knowledge of the operating procedures of the school council

  • ensure notices of meetings and other school council / fundraising events are distributed.

  • participate in discussions / decisions / ideas generation to improve the function of Council

  • contribute to successful School Council events as part of organizing / day-of volunteer

Director - General

Time Commitment: 2 - 3 hours per month(includes time attending monthly meeting)

Typical Duties:

  • assist where interested / needed with School Council needs

  • attend monthly meetings (in evening) where possible

  • participate in discussions / decisions / ideas generation to improve the function of Council

  • contribute to successful School Council events as part of organizing / day-of volunteer