Checking in

When you arrive at the venue, show the QR code to one of the volunteers, who will give you a badge and lanyard. Write down your name and affiliation on both sides of the badge, and proceed to the auditorium. Presenters will have a separate line when checking in, so please identify as a presenter to the organizers when you arrive at the venue. We remind you that sessions start at 9am.

This year we have had an unprecedented amount of requests of early access ticket holders, so we expect to have the auditorium at capacity. For this reason, it is important that you arrive to the venue in time. We will only hold your seat until 9:30am. After that time, your early access ticket will be no longer valid, and will be assigned to another person in the waiting list. This policy does not apply to presenters, who may check in later.

If you leave the event before it ends, please return your badge to the reception desk. This way,  your seat will be freed and may be occupied by another person in the waiting list.

Thanks to our sponsors, this year we will offer a complete food service. If, for any reason, you cannot attend, you can still follow the event live or on demand on our YouTube channel. Free wifi access will be provided onsite, you will find the instructions on the screen when you enter the auditorium.