Student Collaborations

Webquest task for students

Webquesti ülesanne õpilastele (EE)

Webquest feladat a DIÁKOK számára (HU)

Εργασία Webquest για μαθητές (Gr)

Attività di Webquest per gli studenti (it)

Tarefa Webquest para alunos (pt)

Sarcină webquest pentru studenți (ro)

1. Find somebody in your class to work together. You will work in pairs and you will learn about 2 national holidays in another country.

2. Give your email address to your teacher.

3. Write a letter to your peers in another country and introduce yourselves in a few sentences. You can send photos, too. If you want, share Messenger, Instagram…etc to talk to each other.

4. Study the 2 webquests you will be given. Search for information on the internet.

5. Discuss the questions and answers with your peers. Find out together how to create the poster.

6. Your final product will be a POSTER. (or more posters) You can draw pictures or download from the Internet. Prepare a joint poster together in your team of 4 students.

7. Choose a leader, who will collect the images, wordclouds and will be able to prepare the final Poster. Suggested tools:




Your posters can be digitals or hand-made.

Do not write long texts and do not copy from the internet. Remember! Less text, more images!

8. Send the poster to your teacher.

9. You are ready, mission is completed! Well done! Teachers will prepare an online calendar and your poster will be uploaded there.

10. Enjoy the ONLINE CALENDAR and share it with your friends/family members.