
Register for a webinar about supporting students with complex support needs in distance learning. This webinar is hosted by WINTAC.

blue background, cartoon computer screen with cartoon browser open center large video centered in the browser with four smaller videos (red, yellow-green, blue, orange, and green) under the main black video with a circle play icon.

Check out this NTACT Webinar about providing transition activities to students online.

This handout summarizes resources discussed during the NTACT hosted webinar entitled Providing Transition-Focused Activities Online and At Home

Cartoon wooden tool box with a wrench, paintbrush, pliers, screw driver, smaller wrench, and a claw hammer

This toolbox provides parents with an overview of (a) what self-determination is and (b) how they can help their child become more self-determined

blue circle with white triangle center casting a shadow on the lower left of the blue circle.

Videos of parents sharing their experiences with promoting their child's self-determination

a photo of a silver metal alarm clock. Face of clock has Arabic numerals

Use the "Good Day Plan" to help your child identify factors related to having a good day. This tool may help students create a routine while at home.

House center, red roof, four panel window over grey door. Door and window outlined with white trim. Shadow under the house.

This guide provides parents and families with ideas of how to help students learn work skills at home.

blue background, light blue rectangle and grey boxes with darker grey lines, upper corner picture of a person, this is a cartoon resume

Use this guide to help you create a visual resume for your student!

grey pole in center with green street sign with three arrows pointing left, center, and right, respectively

Use these choice boards to help students make decisions about which transition activities they would like to participate!

blue cloud streaked sky, brown wooden sign with white letters "New Skills"

This video series describes 6 workplace skills: communication, enthusiasm and attitude, teamwork, networking, problem solving and critical thinking, and professionalism. For more information about Skills to Pay the Bills, click HERE

colorful lines all from bottom of image to top (red, yellow green, blue, black, grey, purple) leading to different people wearing different colored shirts, but shirt color does not associate with the line to the person wearing the shirt

Large database of videos about a wide range of careers.

Google Logo G, red top,orange-yellow midsection, green bottom and blue straight part.

Learn about accessibility features offered through Google!

blue sky, darker blue mountains, green trees, white house with a blue roof in front of those items. House has one grey door in the center with two black windows left and right of the door, one black window with a dormer in the roof above the door. House sits on green grass, separated by a white fence behind some bushes.

This guide, created by the Center for Independent Futures, provides teachers and families with information about how to increase students' independent living skills. The guide includes independent living skill inventories and task analyses.

red background a blue clap board with white and black chevrons for the clapper

Teachers can use Flipgrid to allow students to access instructional materials and upload video responses

Check out OCALI's website to learn more about how to provide transition services to students with disabilities. Content is focused on improving teacher's knowledge about transition planning. The Take 5 Webinars provide short videos about how to use a variety of google apps to support students.

The California CareerZone site is powered by Headed2, a secure web-based platform designed to help you explore, plan, and prepare for a career you’ll love. Using their innovative technology, you are afforded an end-to-end career discovery journey.

A photo of a Canon Zoom Lens looking at the side that would be pointed to the object being photographed

Students are able to identify career interests using photos.