Communication Supports

speech board five icons across, seven icons down specifically written for COVID-19 speech board

30 day free trial

House with nine section squares, top left to bottom right: bed pink blanket, white pillow, yellow monster with one eye two teeth visible while monster smiles, green bathroom with tub and red shower curtain, black square, center: purple beanbag with book, black square, green square with table and food, black square, pink room white exercise bike, person sitting in wheel chair in front of house on bottom left, blue dinosaur covers middle right square

Nice cause and effect resources, games, iPad apps, and eye gaze software

water color rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, light blue, purple), with purple thistle coming over the rainbow

Tons of great Augmentative Alternative Communication insights

four people, person with pink jacket and blue shirt center, to person wearing a white bucket hat on the left, third person behind wearing a grey jacket and a blue shirt, fourth person walking through camera photo not looking at camera, partially obscured by framing

Communication Training Series

Communication resources for implementation are available. Free resources are available. There is a two-month free subscription available.

University of Carolina logo

Resource from the Center for Literacy and Disability Studies

A helpful youtube video to increase use of AAC at home.

Some tips for providing virtual therapy for AAC users

Free Communication Tools for Patients with COVID-19

From PrAACtical AAC

person sitting on a chair in front of green grass and a road

Free, easy-to-read, accessible books

Free resource from TPT

Medical Communication Board 1

Medical Communication Board 2

Medical Communication Board 3

Black and white zoo animals. Elephant, giraffe, alligator, monkey, and lion.

An interactive PowerPoint book. Includes video, speech, and Proloquo communication symbols.