Recreation and Leisure

Outdoor cartoon. A start banner hangs above 5 children, 2 girls and 3 boys who are ready to run.

The Daily Mile is simple and free and gets children out of the

classroom for fifteen minutes every day to run or jog, at their own

pace, with their classmates, making them fitter, healthier, and more

able to concentrate in the classroom.

black and white yoga poses arranged in a grid of 4 by 3

Links to a special education teacher's favorite yoga, pilates, aerobics, dance, and general fitness YouTube videos!

Ten pieces of sidewalk chalk over various colored chalk lines drawn on a street, chalk is used and rectangular colors: pink, blue, orange, white, green, light green, yellow, blue, red, and purple

Off Line Activities

  • Chalk art on the driveway

  • Art mosaic on a window or sliding glass door with paper

  • Family board games

  • Picture hunt in your neighborhood (choose a theme for the day, flowers, colors, things that come in pairs..) take a photo and keep moving until you are home again