
A random assortment of letters made from different color construction paper

From the Autism Helper. Families can download 8 weeks worth of curriculum, visual supports, schedules, and resources for behavior. There are also videos for parents to watch. The site is offering this resource for any donation amount, from $0 to $20, so resources are accessible for all.

How to Make a Talking PowerPoint Book.pptx

How to Make a Talking PowerPoint Book

This PowerPoint contains step by step directions on how to make a book in PowerPoint and how to make it talk. Ideas for using this include making your own book, students writing journals, students summarizing content, to name a few ideas.

A young girl with pigtails reading a book. She is sitting on a stack of 7 books.

A special education teacher is sharing all of the resources on her Teachers Pay Teachers page for free. Create a free account to be able to download the materials.

Solid black animals on a white background. Animals are arranged in a square. Animals include a bear, fox, butterfly, squirrel, hedgehog, deer, coyote, rabbit, owl, and dog.

This Power Point book includes interactive functions, such as videos, speech, and AAC symbols embedded in the text.

Streaming videos featuring famous actors reading children's books.

This website provided access to free books created by teachers and includes symbols to communicate while reading together.

This website contains early literacy books that can be downloaded and read. Some homework packets are also provided

This website provides free materials for online phonics instruction