ClipClear v1.00

A person at a forum declared that: "ClearClipboard is a simple tool that will periodically clear your clipboard. This is useful, for example, to hide sensitive information, such as passwords. The clear timeout can be configured freely and default to 30 seconds. Also, the clipboard will not simply be cleared at a fixed interval. Instead, the clear time will be reset every time that new content is copied to the clipboard. This ensures that only 'stale' content will be cleared; recently copied content will never be cleared away."

I responded with "If an intention of the program is to reduce the exposure of sensitive information such as passwords to clipboard-spying, does it have a sensible option to only clear the clipboard if it contains purely textual data?" and "In any case,  this seems like the sort of naive little program that almost anyone could write for himself in a scripting language like AutoIt."

ClipClear is my version of this idea written in AutoIt.  It is intended that it clear the clipboard only when it contains just text.

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