Sadiq Khan ( Mayor of London ) – Labour’s candidate – The London Mayoral Elections 2021 – Clairvoyant reading / Psychic predictions May 1 , 2021 through the eyes of Sadiq Khan : Health , London Elections , an explosion , The Royal Family , What will happen with Prince Charles – deals , seizure of lands – When ? Why ? A new King – When ? A pandemic and treatment with the Russian vaccine – how ? Camps about young people and deportation – When ? London is preparing about entering into the 22th century – When ? – by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe , Bulgaria , Varna

Дата на публикуване: May 02, 2021 4:43:26 PM

Only a small part of Clairvoyant / Psychic reading about :

Sadiq Khan ( Mayor of London ) – Labour’s candidate – The London Mayoral Elections 2021 – Clairvoyant reading / Psychic predictions May 1 , 2021 through the eyes of Sadiq Khan : Health , London Elections , an explosion , The Royal Family , What will happen with Prince Charles – deals , seizure of lands – When ? Why ? A new King – When ? A pandemic and treatment with the Russian vaccine – how ? Camps about young people and deportation – When ? London is preparing about entering into the 22th century – When ? – by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe , Bulgaria , Varna

Part of Our Upcoming Ebook :

Take a deep breath – Elections 2021 – Clairvoyant readings/Psychic predictions through the eyes of : the Governor of Alaska, German Elections 2021 – Olaf Scholz ( SPD ) vs. Armin Laschet ( CDU \ CSU candidate ), Hassan Rouhani (President of Iran) – Elections 2021, Vladimir Putin , The Health Minister of India – Coronavirus mutations , The Mayor of London Sadiq Khan (London Mayoral Elections 2021),…

Photo : April 30 , 2021. Time of the Clairvoyant reading – after the photo

His health : Sadiq Khan is monitored by the air and respectively he tolerates a big amount of Space radiation , satellites and local monitoring technologies. That leads to severe headaches – at left. There are inflamed nose channels – Rhinitis , severe inflammation of the spine – now – from the tailbone to the waist + the both pelvic areas. I see an enlargement of all glands. There is enlargement all over the spine anr swelling of the blood vessels , mbslance of the sweat glands , the left part of the thyroid gland , pancreas , bile – I see a non – stop pouring of bile juice into the stomach because of nerves , a liver which is slightly contracted in its lower end , intolerance to some green foods ( causing gases ) and again a severe pain in his head between and above the both eyes which is reaching to the end of the left eye – there I see an upcoming treatment and a surgery – again. He has intolerance to chemicals – he must beware with the pills – this is causing a reaction from the kidneys. He is using the lattest ways of treatment – stem cells which are awakening the immune system.

Sadiq Khan doesn’t see other person as a Mayor of London except itself. There is only one element which is bothering him – the terrorism. There is upcoming – Now as a time – an aircraft is falling down because of explosion.

Then comes his Election again as a Mayor of London and his going in underground building as a pkace for living. For a short time I see a second candidate for the London Mayoral Elections 2021. Because of the pain at his waist there will be tingling and difficulties with the movement of the legs. There are upcoming – May 2021- procedures around the British Royal Family ; Ceremonies ; Award Ceremonies ; business with a gambling boss , a travel with aircraft about talks. I see him near ,but not too close to a site of explosion connected to small flying objects , a water is poured because of a flying object and his fingers are covered with blood.

In England I see mourning and holidays in the same time.

The days before the London Mayoral Elections will be without nerves about him.

Then comes a pressure on the other candidates for payments ( money ).

May and June 2021 – I see a renewal of deals and the making of new ones with banks , constructions of new offices , additional constructions toward a hospital about the processing of blood for use and vaccines.

There are upcoming large scale infrastructure projects and the construction of a new kind of London.

London – as buildings will gradually shift to southwest , underground , there are upcoming constructions in the water , confiscation deals with land , seizure and expropriation. Also a land close to the Royal Palace will be given to the State and the Royal Family will be accordingly compensated. There wll be talking about a new King and year 2021 – there will be preparation for…..

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The Norse Gods and their heirs – Billionaires – Alive and Dead. The past and present – year 2021, the Earth and where the Norse Gods are coming from? Clairvoyant/Psychic reading to : Asgard – their home, Odin – king of the Aesir Gods : Thor, Balder, Loki, Hel, Tyr, Heimdallr, Vidar, Elli, Vali, Bragi, Idun, Forseti, Hermod and the Billionaires : Henrik and Julia Thiele – heirs of Heinz Hermann Thiele , Ole Andreas Halvorsen, Abraham (Rami ) Ungar, Pope Francis

By Clairvoyant : Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova

PUBLISHED : March 11, 2021

2021 © Copyright Dimitrinka Staikova , Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova

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