Media Confirmation of : “Kurdish Fighters Withdraw From Syrian Border Area “, “Northeastern Syria will be conquered “,” Turkish assault in Syria weakens Iraq Kurds, strengthens regional powers” October 30, 2019 – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova February 26,2016

Дата на публикуване: Oct 30, 2019 2:13:23 PM

Media Confirmation of : “Kurdish Fighters Withdraw From Syrian Border Area “, “Northeastern Syria will be conquered “,” Turkish assault in Syria weakens Iraq Kurds, strengthens regional powers” October 30, 2019 – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova February 26,2016

and in her Ebook and Paperback book published in Amazon:

2016 – The wars -Syria, Turkey, Lybia, Kurdistan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq…Leaders, Zika Virus, Brexit, Battle for oil and gas and control over their price.

Between two fires – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions

Clairvoyant Ivelina Staikova

Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova

    • Publication Date: February 26, 2016

      • Table of Contents :

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Salih Muslim (Leader of Democratic Union Party – PYD Syria – Kurdish Political Party) – “Between two fires – The game of Turkey and the Great Powers and the destruction of the Kurdish nation” -Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” -from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna – Febr.19,2016,9am.

Photo – by 30.01.2016. Time – after the photo.

Health diagnosis of Salih Muslim – on 30.01.2016 – he was ahead of infarct. He had strong pain in the heart and the head. In the head, the reason for the pain is upper tooth at left and left eye. He had a constriction in the temples of the head and a strong pain above the forehead. He has two energy centers with dysfunctions – the first one is located under the heart and slightly to the right. The second one is in the thyroid gland. Now – February 2016 – the first energy center increases its energy and sends it with strength to the head. There is a disease process in the left kidney – it increases its size and it starts to make cysts. Externally, he feels it as raising of the blood pressure, formication of the left hand and pains in the left leg – muscles.

Firmly about him the war is only in the land , that belongs to the kurds. But this land about him is syrian. He searches for its patrons and two banks which will sponsor him. He strongly hopes to the help of Germany, because of the refugees. Their energy and their strengths are depleted. He is already feels pessimistic. He sees the kurds as closed between two hostile fires. Salih Muslim expects big financing by its meetings on the International Conference.

By the three energy fields in that part, now the kurds control only one.

Also, in the future, it remains only one on the syrian territory in the region inhabited by kurds. It will be made attempt by the turks to conquer it. They can’t keep it, there will remain syrian territory. – (MEDIA CONFIRMATION 1)

Their weak point is Northeast – from there they will be conquered. This territory will fall with landing (descent) and withdrawal of the kurds. – (MEDIA CONFIRMATION 2)

The bigger part of them are going in the turkish territory (mountains) and there will be united three powers. Only after their withdrawal, they will unite with the turks. They receive a lot of money and in the future they again are preparing for advance (invasion).

In the future, the sign for war of the kurds disappears. With the conquer of their territory and the returning of their territory in the syrian borders – one big part of them are running in Turkey – there, they will not receive help as refugees. They will receive a payment as warriors – soldiers. But begins a collapse and as army they remain too small and without faith in future. The autonomy they seek now is ephemeral. The help by the Great Powers comes only by Turkey as imperial interests. The clever people will be killed, they need only soldiers on which to order and they to perform. On that place, there will be no kurdish state.

It is upcoming to talk about the kurds, that are on the border with Iraq – They are ready for a Kurdish State. Their moto is “The peace is staying on the top of the spear”. (MEDIA CONFIRMATION – )

Media Confirmation :

Media Confirmation 1. ‘Russia says Kurds Complete Withdrawal From Turkish Border’ – October 29, 2019

Last week’s Russia-Turkey deal to divide control of northeast Syria has halted the Turkish invasion of the area. Ankara aimed to drive out Syrian Kurdish forces there.

The Kurdish-led forces had been U.S. allies during a five-year campaign against the Islamic State group in Syria. But U.S. forces withdrew from the area, allowing the Turkish offensive. The Kurds have since turned to Russia and the Syrian government in Damascus for protection.

Syrian and Turkish armies in deadly border clash – October 30, 2019

The armies of Syria and Turkey traded deadly fire Tuesday for the first time since Ankara launched an anti-Kurdish offensive in early October, as Russia announced Kurdish forces had withdrawn from the key border area.

Media Confirmation 2 – “Russia tells Turkey Kurdish fighters have left NE Syrian border area: Erdogan” – October 29, 2019

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World Predictions about Great Britain 2016, underground missile storage site, Union against ISIS, Union of Energy Companies, Unions, US Election 2016, US troops, US vice-president Mike Pence, USA, war, Warren Buffett, Washington state, weapons, withdrawal, Withdrawal of Carly Fiorina and Chris Christie, withdrawal of Rick Santorum, Wizards, World Power, world predictions, World Predictions 2016, Yakuza, Yazidis, year 2016, Yemen, Zahran Alloush, Zika Virus on October 30, 2019.