MEDIA CONFIRMATION OF : “Cyberattack on U.S. Colonial Pipeline is linked to criminal gang – May 9, 2021 – predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Book published February 14,2021 : Biden’s Government. Democrats against Trump. Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions for USA and the World year 2021 – 2024 through the eyes of : Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Janet Yellen, Lloyd Austin, Christopher Wray (FBI), Antony Blinken, Avril Haines (US National Intelligence), Gina Raimondo , Jamie Raskin (Lead Trump Impeachment manager), Xavier Becerra (US Secretary of Health), Libya PM….

Дата на публикуване: May 10, 2021 3:49:49 PM

MEDIA CONFIRMATION OF : “Cyberattack on U.S. Colonial Pipeline is linked to criminal gang – May 9, 2021 – predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Book published February 14,2021 :

Biden’s Government. Democrats against Trump. Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions for USA and the World year 2021 – 2024 through the eyes of : Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Janet Yellen, Lloyd Austin, Christopher Wray (FBI), Antony Blinken, Avril Haines (US National Intelligence), Gina Raimondo , Jamie Raskin (Lead Trump Impeachment manager), Xavier Becerra (US Secretary of Health), Libya PM….

PUBLISHED : February 14, 2021

By Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova

2021©Copyright Dimitrinka Staikova , Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova



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Details :

Words : 21 127

Pages : 42

Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions : 13

Published : February 14, 2021






Congressman Jamie Raskin ( Lead Impeachment manager against Donald Trump ) – Is this the end of the Democracy ? – year 2021 – 2022 – 2023 – 2024- Clairvoyant reading / Psychic predictions February 5 , 2021 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe , Bulgaria , Varna

Photo : February 3 , 2021. Time – after the photo

Jamie Raskin’s health : At February 4th , 2021 ,I see a severe pain at the tailbone , in the left kidney, at the right temple , in the lower part of the liver and down low in the abdominal area. He has passed through a virus infection. Now , he has a muscle cramps , it’s like the infection is walking all over his body and searching for a sick body organ. His liver is not good – it is contracted. I also see Rhinitis and pain at the spine , shoulders. His right lung is not treated yet. Now , he will have problems with this memory and balance. He must eat healthy food – his menu must include veal ( red meat ) , honey , fish and a lot of nuts. Now , he must avoid fresh fruits and vegetables. Only the rest of his immune system is helping him not to lose consciousness. The Impeachment case against Trump Jamie Raskin thinks for a good initiative carried out only with the big help of the Prosecution.

I see two attempts by the Democrats for Impeachment against Trump. On the third attempt they stop. Now , February 2021 – I see a collecting of a certain amount of people – without 1 -2 votes. One of them will give up afterwards. His thought is : “Well – nigh to lie them “. Money and business are promised , but not given. USA is threatened by constitutional mess. Jamie Raskin is ready to shout in his anger. I see a severe headache from the both sides of his head and faltering ( stumble ). His urinary tract is inflamed and excreting an yellow liquid. Begins a sharp playing of his temperature and loosing of thoughts – he is infected – his liver is recognizing it as a poison. He is highly motivated to prove the guilt of Donald Trump. February 2021 – there is a searching for a talking traitor – he is finding an indirect witness – a man , and a direct witness – a woman which disappears ( they will succeed to find her as dead – summer 2021 ). Now , the Democrats have a dead protester in which is found a notebook with initials , written phone number and they are connecting it indirectly with Trump. They are observing the eye of that protester – something behind the eye and inside it is proving them the protester is carrying a secret technology owned only by senior officials. The body of the protester is the evidence they are using. Until March 2021. Then I see a strong fire and the evidence is destroyed. They are trying to reach the laboratory – but , they are not able to. This is making them angry , humiliated and very scared. The laboratories are private – owned by Republicans with a private army. How long the Democrats can play with fire ? They are able to reach the end. February 2021 – I see two times consider of the possibility for starting of the impeachment trial. At the end of February 2021 – they must close it or they must leave it to continue in the time. Their decision is the second one. Begins a persecution ( pursuit ) to senior democrats – the fear is gradually capturing them because of persecution , eavesdropping – a danger – fear of forced death. March 2021 – Despite Jamie Raskin continues his actions , to search , to think – already nobody believes in the Impeachment of Trump. They have power only now , in the beginning , afterwards there is no republican to help them. Jamie Raskin is thinking for a new law which will limit Donald Trump to apply for Elections for USA President.

April 2021 – That law for ” betrayal of the country ” is made and included for voting. Donald Trump in the future is removed by active political activity. There will be two more persons with the family Trump who will have political positions ( posts ) and despite they are acting independently – they are part of the wheel of fortune of the family Trump. Year 2021 – begins a tough year for USA. On the background I see a leader who will unite the nation , but this is not Joe Biden , but Trump – elder , but two Trump – juniors. February 2021 – for Jamie Raskin I see a death for his relative and problems with starting of Impeachment trial. March 2021 – problems with money – I see new printing and distribution , compensation.

April 2021 – Prosecution and Court , I see tightening in the public order , strong dictatorship.

April and May 2021 – problems with energy sources , an energy company , for oil , gas ,(MEDIA CONFIRMATION)

medicines , water , coals ( bankruptcies ).

May 2021 – there is a begining of internal war in USA – attacks because of hunger.

June 2021 – ……


Cyberattack on U.S. pipeline is linked to criminal gang – May 9, 2021


18 MEDIA CONFIRMATIONS UNTIL APRIL 15, 2021 OF THE #CLAIRVOYANT/ #PSYCHIC PREDICTIONS IN THE #BOOK : #Biden’s Government. #Democrats against #Trump. Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions for USA and the World year 2021 – 2024 through the eyes of : #JoeBiden, #DonaldTrump, #JanetYellen, #LloydAustin, Christopher Wray (#FBI), Antony Blinken, Avril Haines (US National Intelligence), Gina Raimondo , Jamie Raskin (Lead Trump Impeachment manager), Xavier Becerra (US Secretary of Health), Libya PM….