MEDIA CONFIRMATION OF  : “#Libya: Warlord #KhalifaHaftar wants #money from #oil #revenues as condition to lift blockade of #oil fields ” – Sept 18, 2020 and  “#Protesters torch #Haftar’s offices in Libya’s #Benghazi – Sept 13, 2020 – as predicted by Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova in her Ebook published August 5, 2020 :  ​ US Election 2020, The Heir of Angela Merkel – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions for : Coronavirus vaccines companies – business, antibodies.

Дата на публикуване: Sep 19, 2020 5:59:10 PM

MEDIA CONFIRMATION OF : “Libya: Warlord Khalifa Haftar wants money from oil revenues as condition to lift blockade of oil fields ” – Sept 18, 2020 and “Protesters torch Haftar’s offices in Libya’s Benghazi – Sept 13, 2020 – as predicted by Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova in her Ebook published August 5, 2020 :

US Election 2020, The Heir of Angela Merkel – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions for : Coronavirus vaccines companies – business, antibodies. World Predictions for COVID-19 and the future of : Libya, Iran,China, Russia, Germany and USA. Breaking of the seven seals of Apocalypse and God Yahweh and Psychic predictions to the Devil and the new Christ

Published : August 5, 2020

By Clairvoyant : Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova

Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna

Language – English

Type of File – PDF file

Published – August 5, 2020

World Count – 18 181

Number of pages – 39

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+ A Gift from Us : the Ebook –The Devil and 2020 Election in USA – Psychic predictions to : The Devil and Demons, The Director of CIA and FBI, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, NATO Secretary General, Russia`s Foreign Minister, The Chief of the Pentagon, Michael Bloomberg…Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova , Ivelina Staikova – Published : December 20, 2019

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2020 ©Copyright Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova

Table of Contents :

Only a small part of Clairvoyant reading about :

Libyan National Army Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar – Health – he is thinking for himself as a dead man. When will be the surgery – pituitary , hernia ? Invasion , tactics , placing of land mines , “Tango” and attack. The actions of a religious order – what are they ? When he will win the battle for Tripoli , when he is winning the war ? What will happen with the heir ? Who will be the next one ? – Clairvoyant reading / Psychic predictions July 28 , 2020 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe , Bulgaria , Varna



In addition : Clairvoyant reading to Khalifa Haftar ( Field Marshal of the Libyan National Army ) – July 28 , 2020 – by Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova

Photo : July 6 , 2020. Time of the Clairvoyant reading – after the photo.

He has pain at the teeth and jaw , strong pain at the neck and the base of the head , problems and pains at the spine , his neck , back and spine are painful. I see a disease in the kidneys and prostate – enlarged prostate and urinary tract , problems with the bowels and pains at the legs when he is walking , shortness of breath during over loadind.

I see problems with money. A very large sum of money was promissed to him , but only the half of it has arrived. I see more – modest amounts of money that are coming promissed to Khalifa Haftar by a big leader( Putin ). He had meetings with many leaders , but from there are coming only small sums of money.(MEDIA CONFIRMATION)

Haftar is seeing a military invasion ( led by a military man with high rank ) – westerns. Big oil field is surrounded and shot with rockets.

The westerns will attack him n order to block the influx of money from there , with these money Khalifa Haftar is buying weapons. He is desperate. His money are ending. I see two large amounts of money which are almost exhausted.(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 1)

He is thinking to attack and steal from western companies. I see an underground power to which Haftar is offered the oil from the oil field under his authority.(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 1)

August 2020 – I see attempt for exploitation of new oil fields. He is raising walls around himself ( also around Benghazi ) he is feeling surrounded.(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 2)

Haftar counts to the support of four companies.

September 2020 – the companies become two and they are Russian. I see the smoke leaving from a big oil field.

October 2020 – …



Libya: Warlord Khalifa Haftar wants money from oil revenues as condition to lift blockade of oil fields – September 18, 2020



Protesters torch Haftar’s offices in Libya’s Benghazi – September 13, 2020


#MEDIA CONFIRMATION of : #RIPRobertTrump -“#DonaldTrump’s younger #brother Robert dies at age 71 ‘ #President pays tribute to ‘best #friend’ – Aug 16, 2020– as predicted by #Clairvoyant #DimitrinkaStaikova in her #Ebook published August 5, 2020 : US #Election2020, The Heir of #AngelaMerkel – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions for : Coronavirus vaccines companies – business, antibodies. World Predictions for COVID-19 and the future of : Libya, Iran,China, Russia, Germany and USA. Breaking of the seven seals of Apocalypse and God Yahweh and Psychic predictions to the Devil and the new Christ

​MEDIA CONFIRMATION of : #Russia to start #COVID19 #vaccine production in 2 weeks – August 12, 2020 – as predicted by #Clairvoyant Ivelina Staikova in her new #Ebook published Aug 5, 2020 : US #Election2020, The Heir of Angela Merkel – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions for : Coronavirus vaccines companies – business, antibodies. World Predictions for COVID-19 and the future of : Libya, Iran,China, Russia, Germany and USA. Breaking of the seven seals of Apocalypse and God Yahweh and Psychic predictions to the Devil and the new Christ

#Clairvoyant reading/#Psychic predictions about #Coronavirus #vaccine companies : #StephaneBancel ( #Moderna CEO ) , #AlexGorsky ( #JohnsonandJohnson ) , #PascalSoriot ( #CEO of #AstraZeneca ), #KennethFrazier ( #Merck CEO ) , #AlbertBourla (#Pharmaceutical #Corporation “#Pfizer”) . World #Predictions for #COVID19 and the future of : #Libya (#KhalifaHaftar), #Iran (Hassan Rouhani), China (Xi Jinping), Russia (Vladimir Putin) , Germany (Angela Merkel) and USA (Donald Trump). Breaking of the seven seals of Apocalypse and God Yahweh and Psychic predictions to the Devil and the new Christ

MEDIA CONFIRMATION of : August 11, 2020 – a #threat for the life of #DonaldTrump “#Maryland man shot by #SecretService charged with #assault” – as predicted by #Clairvoyant #DimitrinkaStaikova in her #Ebook published August 5, 2020 : #USElection2020, The Heir of #AngelaMerkel – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions for : #Coronavirus vaccines companies – business, antibodies. World Predictions for COVID-19 and the future of : Libya, Iran,China, Russia, Germany and USA. Breaking of the seven seals of Apocalypse and God Yahweh and Psychic predictions to the Devil and the new Christ

New #Ebook : #USElection2020, The Heir of #AngelaMerkel – #Clairvoyant/#Psychic predictions for : #Coronavirus #vaccines #companies – #business, #antibodies. World Predictions for #COVID19 and the #future of : #Libya, #Iran,#China, #Russia, #Germany and #USA. Breaking of the seven seals of #Apocalypse and God Yahweh and Psychic predictions to the Devil and the new Christ