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The Trump Organization, Business, Partners, Policy, Midterm Election 2018, Portents Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions to : Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr. , Allen Weisselberg ,Matthew F. Calamari , Hussain Sajwani (UAE), Ziya and Anar Mammadov (Azerbaijan) ,Prince Alwaleed Bin Tallal Al Saud , Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Al Saud ...

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

Published - December 2, 2017

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Allen Weisselberg (Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the Trump Organization) - Hereditary guardian of secrets, The Business of Trump - year 2016, 2017, 2018....- USA, Africa, Syria, Iraq...- by months and years. When Donald Trump will have judicial problems? When he will make open contracts with Russia? When the life and the presidency of Trump are threatened? "Who is the next"? - Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions November 17, 2017, 1 pm - by Clairvoyant House "Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova" - from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.​

Time of the clairvoyant reading - after the photo.

​ This is an independent, pedantic man. He likes the privacy (solitude), working in tranquility. He hates to be sick. On first place in his life is the order, calmness and his health. On second place is his work. He is very sensitive and he doesn't tolerate humor against his self and he is testy. He likes to take care for his relatives, but from a distance - not with intrusive love. On a third place - This is a hereditary guardian of secrets - he is from an ancient family that keeps and guards religious secrets, secrets about the future and scientific secrets connected with the Space. This family is related with the future in the direct sense of the word - he always knows where to stay and what will happen.

After the photo of Allen Weisselberg - there is a transaction of money for the Trump Presidential campaign - after three more transactions Donald Trump becomes a president. Expectation ? Negotiations on an island - USA. Granting of new credits - from outside the country (USA). Negotiations with kurds - the war in Iraq and Syria, ships with cargo - oil and their selling.

March 2017 - financing in a Space miracle, for May 2017 - distribution of oil in USA. Investment of money in Israel - February-March 2017. Conversations with islamists (terrorists) in Africa. I see a fighting (military actions) in an oil country.

April 2017 - difficulties in negotiations with russians about the Arctic. To USA is left only one piece of frozen land. April 2017 - difficulties with the collecting of money - big ones. May 2017 - begins a new period of progressive rise. It starts with investments of money in a Saudi oil deal and fast a big financial return. September 2017 - The Trump Organization has a bad moment - connected with the health of Trump. September 2017 - there is a threat from and about the British Crown. The threat is serious because Allen Weisselberg gets a serious constriction in the heart. I see a heavy month - until October 2017 - there is a loss of close to him person - I see tears in his eyes. He is returning again temporary to the religion and Space, but it's like already a part of him is affraid from and about the life.

It is forthcoming October - November 2017 - contracts for weapons - sea cargo, contracts for airplanes (and a helicopter), contracts about a payment to them in gold. Begins a preparation for a new construction - underground and connected with the Space. I see a separation of part of the money which are going in Israel. There I see a landing site which will be built - like a new Trump Center.

In the end of the year 2017 - November, December - there is a new plan related with Libya : "Divide and rule " with an update of contracts. January 2018 - collecting of money, after January 15 (around 20) - there is a theft (stealing) of money. In the end of the month - a travel of Allen Weisselberg (something that he doesn't like), because of a misunderstanding of two people from the management board - it is connected with business and a confidential mission for reconciliation in the Trump Organization. In the end of February-March 2018 - judicial problems and a temporary lull for new contracts. The problems will hang until April 2018 - the decision is not in benefit of Trump. They will loose part of their money, including a business and future profits. There are problems also in and from Israel.

May 2018 begins the harder policy of Trump that will reflect also to his business. Many of his opponenents are going in the prison. The end of May 2018 - problems with the health of Trump, June 2018 - there is an assault against him , it starts innocent, but then is seen that the assault is organized.

June 2018 is a month in which is prepared an open contract with the russians and it is 100 percent critical about the life of Trump. Allen Weisselberg - I see him to enter in a special room with the question - "Who is the next"?

Health of Allen Weisselberg : He had problems with a medical treatment - of a right kidney. I see also a surgical intervention. He has pains in the spine - muscles at the right side, I see a disease in the large intestine, the left kidney and pituitary - they must be treated - there is a bad blood irrigation in the head at left. I see increased eye pressure, pains in the left eye (decreased vision). In the right eye there is inflamed tear duct. There is a disease in the heart and playing of the blood pressure. There is forming of a cyst close to the tailbone - it is caused by the kidneys.