Top Tips

Think before you click

Think before you click otherwise you could say something pretty rude and then they could block you or report you and be kicked off the game. Also think if you were on the other side of that message you would be pretty upset. What if they said you were the worst player or your avatar was dumb. That's not very nice and I'm sure they can do worse. If you are ever on a site that doesn't have a padlock or has a spelling error it's normally not a very trustworthy website so be careful were you click.

Think Before You Type

There are two main situations that you will have to think before you speak. One is if you are angry, you have to choose your words wisely because if you choose the wrong words, you might end up in an argument or a fight.

The other is when someone is asking for your personal information. The most personal information you can give away is your name. NEVER give away your address, email address, whole name, phone number, and anything else that you think is personal information.

Top Tips

  • Always tell an adult when someone or something is upsetting you online.

  • If you are affected or see someone being cyber-bullied you must not be scared of telling a trusted adult on your network.

  • When possible, disable all optional cookies. This is because many cookies save your data, and sell that data to other websites. If you have been on a website to buy something, and then find adverts about it later on you computer, it is probably because of cookies.

  • Even if you don't think it matters, always check reviews for games that are above your age rating

  • Never give away personal information

  • If someone is being unkind to you online you should block them you do this by finding the phone number or contact you want to block in the Recent tab, then tap on the "i" button next to the number. Select Block This Caller at the bottom of the screen and then confirm your choice.

  • If somebody you don't know from the real world asks you if you could meet up with them, say no and tell an trusted adult immediately

Words can be more than an action

One single mean word can be like a push or a kick but it makes you feel worse. Also with messages that can change relationships. If your are on a chat with a friend and you say something mean about a different person that person that you're on the chat with could like the other person and then they could send it to that person and then you could get told off or worse you could get banned from the chat or reported.

Be Kind and Share This World

If someone's been cyberbullying you don't get them back because then your going to be as bad as them and also two wrongs don't make a right. Take this example it's like if someone hits you in the face and then you hit them right back your now equally as bad as them. No ones more powerful than anyone we are all equal. On Social Media you might have a friend who posts all the time and them hasn't posted in ages you should check with them at school or wherever you see them that are okay it could that they've lost a family member or they are being cyberbullied.

Think about other people

Don't just never type anything to anybody else because you're worried about what they will respond back to it. Even if you just notice that there doing very well on a game always winning if there's some type of chat you could just say something friendly like oh you're amazing at this or well done do you want to be on my team?