Friend or Foe?

Online Relationships!

Online relationships can be tricky, so here we have some tips for online friends on devices.

Knowing who to message, or who not can be difficult, but we're here to help. Do not meet up with people who you ONLY know in the virtual world. If a person in the virtual world has asked to meet up with you, ALWAYS talk to an adult or a person from your network hand immediately!

Choosing Relationships

When you are online, you can be friendly to strangers but do not give away personal information like your email address, password to any devices or games, phone number or house address because you don't know them in the real world and they might not be kind.

Tips And Tricks:

  • When somebody is cyber bullying you, talk to an adult.

  • If a stranger wants to meet you in the real world, say no.

  • Never give away personal information to strangers.

  • If somebody you know is texting mean things about you, ask them to stop and then tell an adult if it continues.

  • Only text friends and people you know in the real world.

Remember your friends online can be people you know offline. These people know more about you but still don't give away personal information on the game or site you're on because you don't know whether someone else might see it. If it's someone you don't know offline you have got to be careful not give away any personal information even if they seem like they are the perfect person and fit with you perfectly they could just be saying that and lying.

If a online friend does anything to hurt you mentally you should tell a trusted adult immediately. Your friend might not be reliable and just trying to hurt you and get personal details. Another time to tell a trusted adult is if anyone online asks to meet you in the real world. This is because they might be trying to hurt you either mentally or physically. The adult might help you to report them or explain to you that they might not be who they say they are.

Remember you can be friends with a stranger online as long as you don't give away personal information. This does not mean you can't be friends with sopmeone in the offline world online as well.