Positive Parenting

Why do video games make my child angry?

For children, anger issues often stem from not being able to process and express other negative emotions such as fear, shame, frustration, and disappointment. Video games suppress negative emotions, and these emotions erupt as anger. Toxic internet culture and underlying mental illness can be contributors too.

How do I talk to my child about the dangers of the internet?

  1. Reassure them that you're interested in their life. Recognise that they'll be using the internet for many different things.

  2. It's a conversation, be curious and show genuine interest.

  3. Ask them about who they're talking to.

  4. Remind them never to share private or personal information.

How long should my child be online for?

Children usually like the internet and can easily stare at the screen for hours on end. But, a suggestion could be that you put a time limit on the screen they are using. About an hour or so a day (there's no right or wrong amount, just the quality of what they are doing). If your child often uses their screen for homework or research then you could let them be on for a bit longer.

What should I do if my child is being bullied online?

If you suspect your child is being bullied, explain to them what bullying is, and ask if anything like that has happened to them. Keep calm, and listen carefully to what they say.

They may feel really scared, embarrassed or ashamed that they’re being bullied, and they may be worried about what will happen if they tell anyone. Encourage them to talk by not giving any judgement in what they may have said or done. You can help to make the situation better by helping them to block and report the bullies.

Once you know your child is being bullied, remember to check in with them regularly. Remind them that they can talk to you about how they’re feeling whenever they want about whatever they want. Communication is key!

What to do if my child is feeling ...

  • sad- If at any moment in time you realise your child is sad let them know that they always have someone to talk to whether it be online, at home or at school. Maybe you could give your child less screen time too.

  • scared- Check the age rating of the game/movie they are seeing.

  • happy- Everything is fine, but if you notice they behave different then usual so check up on them regularly.

  • angry- reduce their screen time or if somebody is being unkind tell the unkind person to stop.

  • excluded- Make sure there are no people are excluding your child online. When friends or people they don't know constantly leave a child out, that child internalizes the message that he or she is unlikable or not a good friend or person. It’s important to help kids tap into their inner strengths and recognise that they are good friends to others.

What should my child use the internet for?

Your child should use the internet mostly for homework or for research for a project. The majority of your child's screen time should be focused on those things. Although, saying this, you shouldn't stop letting them play games and watch TV altogether. Every so often, you can let them play video games or watch TV, but you need to balance this out with research and homework. A tip could be not letting your child play video games until they finish their homework or research, as most children get addicted to games and TV!

What is appropriate for my child?

You may be wondering what your child is watching and if it is appropriate for them. Sometimes, it's good to monitor what the are watching or playing so you can tell them to stop when it is getting a bit too much. But most of the time for video games, there is a minimum age. When it comes to you-tube, there is an app called you-tube kids, where it will not show anything that is inappropriate for children. For TV, there are many different stations for children. Talk to your child about what they enjoy and you can set profiles in Netflix, Disney or Sky etc to ensure the content is right for their age range!

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