Cyber Bullying

                           WHAT IS CYBER BULLING?

Cyber bulling is a form of bulling that takes place online, unlike bulling offline they can follow you were ever you go.

Cyber bullying can make people extremely mad at themselves and can lead to scenarios taken way too far e.g: stress eating/drinking  too heavily, hiding away from friends etc.

If you make friends for a while they could ask you to meet in real life and then they could not be the person you were expecting they could be 20 years older then you or be a group of people.

What to do

Being nice to people online is important, but be careful, as they may be able to seek information, as they may be faking being nice to you just to meet you.  If someone has been cyberbullying you on a game on most games there is a report button which gets rid of the mean people. Don't use it for fun e.x. If you don't won't your sibling on the game anymore because it can banish them from the game and sometimes even banish them from other games as well for doing nothing wrong. 

                       DO'S AND DON'TS



It's always good to be the person to comfort someone and give someone advice and help them feel better - you never know they might help you back.


Remember think before type 

Is it True?

Is it Helpful?

Is it Inspiring?

Is it Nice?

Is it Kind?

The letters underlined and in blue spell THINK. Before you say something mean to someone remember to think.