
Initially interested in sharing economy platforms, I did my thesis under the CIFRE contract, a special type of thesis funding in France for which the companies pay the Ph.D. candidate and receive subsidies. I had the opportunity to both work with Ecov, a start-up (back then) specialized in daily ridesharing in rural areas, and to participate in the activities of the lab. My first two papers of the thesis benefited directly from the field of the early users of Ecov. In the last chapter of the thesis, I learned the data-scraping method and collected long-distance ridesharing data during a railway strike in France, using the API of BlaBlaCar. This eventually led me to collaborate directly with the company under a governmental research fund. These experiences made me more interested in understanding how people travel, and how shared mobility could be integrated into the transportation sector. 

Today, I am specializing in transportation and digital economics, while I always keep a genuine interest in experimental methods, the digital marketplace, and of course, human motivations.

Journal Articles

Intercity ridesharing to the rescue: Capacity flexibility and price stability of BlaBlaCar during the 2018 French railway strike. (2022) With Timothy Yu-Cheong Yeung, in Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. (Published version | Preprint | 2-page digest)

The limits of money in daily ridesharing: Evidence from a field experiment in rural France. (2021) in Revue d'économie industrielle. (Published version| Preprint | 4-page digest of this paper and the paper below in English and in French) 

More generous for small favour? exploring the role of monetary and pro-social incentives of daily ride sharing using a field experiment in rural Île-de-France. (2017) in Communications & Strategies. (Published version)

Book Chapters

(Forthcoming, in Chinese, English version available upon request) Railway market liberalization in Europe: Recent advances and insights for China, in Regional Economic Research Report for Europe 2023-2024(European Union), Co-edited by Jianqing Jiang and Hong Wang, China Finance Press.

Work in Progress

Reducing Carbon Emissions through Carpooling: The Effect of Environmental Policies in France. With Isac Olave-Cruz, Maïté Stephan, and Alexandre Volle. (submitted, working paper available upon request)

How does price recommendation shape drivers' behavior in the carpooling market? With Vladimir Avetian, Surjasama Lahiri, and Shahmeer Mohsin.

Intermodal competition on long-distance passenger market: Evidence from five European countries. With Martina Gregori.

#ArtInfluencer: Determinants of online cultural content consumption using network analysis and ordered logit. With Marie Ballarini.

General Public

Ridesharing: Its potential, challenges, and future in France. (2022) GovReg Notes of the Governance and Regulation Chair (In English | In French | 3-minute digest | 30-min debate)

Le covoiturage peut-il se remettre du confinement ? (2020) The Conversation (Link)