
The SED records doubly (or even triply) marked comparative and superlative forms of lexical adjectives across the whole of England. Some (lexically restricted) examples can be found in RTG.

(1) things can only get worser (2019)

(2) Apple bores and real ale bores are worserer (2016)

(3) Who's your bestest bud on here? (2014)

(4) But according to Marco he's one of the worstest players to play in the premier league (2014)

(5) That would be the most bestest thing ever in the world ever (2014)

There is nothing particularly 'North East' about these somewhat jocular formations, though we do find in RTG some adjectives derived from participles with distinctive non-standard forms, as exemplified here (see also lexical verbs).

(6) We dont buy frozzen stuff either (2017)

(7) looks a brocken man there walking off (2016)