Guild Dungeon

Level 3 and higher guilds are able to access a guild-only raid dungeon. The guild dungeon system in Devilian Korea and Thai worked slightly different from the way it is implemented in Trion's version.

To date, only two guild dungeon stages are open (52 and 54) for the Trion Worlds version. In the Asian versions, each guild dungeon stage has a monster level that is determined by the level of the guild (eg. level 60 monsters with a level 15 guild) and each stage (up to 10) is unlocked upon successful completion of the previous one.

Only one of each stage can be entered per day but a guild could run all 10 stages if successful for each prior stage. Each stage also gets progressively more difficult with added boss abilities and mechanics.

There is a strong possibility this is something else that is broken due to the level cap differences employed by Bluehole Ginno for Trion's version. If our guild dungeons were redesigned to work in unison with level cap increases, the 3rd slot should have become available with level 56 monsters for the Alvir's Legacy update (but it remains locked even after successful clears of the level 54 one).