C6 Mobility SPAIN

Learning and Teaching Training C6 SPAIN

The teaching-learning activities carried out during the C6 transnational meeting, from December 5 to 11, 2021, in Vila-real (Spain), consisted of a poetry contest whose theme was democracy, and the realization of the United Nations Model (MUN E+ Democracy) contextualized to the characteristics of the project. In detail, the completed activities were:


1. Poem contest

  • Each country held its own poetry contest according to the rules of the

the contest.


  • Country profile

  • Students research background

  • Explanation to the students about what the MUN (Model United Nations) is.

  • According to the five subtopics on which the MUN E + Democracy resolutions dealt with :

● Increase women's leadership and participation

● End violence against women and girls

● Involve women in all aspects of peace and security processes, and in humanitarian action

● Promote the economic empowerment of women

● Make gender equality a central aspect in the planning and development of national development budgets


1. Poem contest

● Exhibition of the poems

● Recital of poetry at the closing ceremony


● The students wrote the resolutions in a work session

● Resolutions were read publicly


Photo Gallery

Minutes of the meeting

First day, Monday, December the 6th , Valencia historical city center and City of Arts and Sciences

9:15-14:00 All groups moved to Valencia, capital of the Valencian Community. From the Towers of Serrano, one of the two preserved gates of the old city, the group made a guided tour of the historic center of the city. Its history was explained, the main historical monuments were visited; and we put emphasis on the current and past Spanish political structure in front of the Valencian courts.

After the visit, the participants climbed to the main tower of Valencia’s cathedral, the Micalet, to enjoy the panoramic views of the city.

16:00: In the afternoon, there was a tour of the exterior of the City of Arts and Sciences, a complex of different buildings with futuristic architecture, iconic of the city.

16:30: Return to Vila-real, where the students enjoyed a dinner with the Spanish host families.

Second day, Tuesday, December the 7th , IES Francesc Tàrrega and social activities

9:30-14:30 All groups were picked up at the hotel and accompanied to IES Francesc Tàrrega. The welcoming ceremony of the meeting was held there. There was a presentation of the country, Spain, the region, the Valencian Community, the town, Vila-real and the host school, the IES Francesc Tàrrega. The headmaster of the school then delivered the welcoming speech. All participants were then presented with a gift sponsored by the Erasmus program of the European Union.

After a coffee break, all participating students had a working session during which they carried out the final phase of the Model United Nations: drafting resolutions related to the selected topic, “Fight for Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women and Girls”. Five groups of international students were created to draft the resolutions on the sub-topics:

  1. Increase women's leadership and participation

  2. End violence against women and girls

  3. Involve women in all aspects of peace and security processes, and in humanitarian action

  1. Promote the economic empowerment of women

  2. Make gender equality a central aspect in the planning and development of national development budgets

The participating teachers visited the school’s facilities and then received a facial hygiene treatment from the students of the Vocational Training program, Health and Beauty.

14:00 A meeting of the participating teachers from all partner schools of the project was held. The current status of the project was analysed and the dates of future meetings in Greece and Turkey were determined.

15:00- 22:00

The teachers moved to Benicàssim, on the beach, where after a group meal they strolled along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.

All groups of students held social activities in Castellón, including dinner.

Third day, Wednesday, December the 8th. Peñíscola and families dinner

10:00-18:00 All groups moved to Peñíscola, where a guided tour of the historic center was held. Participants learned about the history of this enclave, including its use as the residence of Pope Luna, Benedict XIII and his successor Clement VIII, whose resignation marked the end of the Western Schism.

Teachers and students had free time to enjoy the privileged environment of Peñiscola.

19:00-22:00 Students went to the homes of their Spanish peers where they had dinner with their families.

Fourth day, Thursday, December the 9th , Valencia Oceanogràfic and time for shopping and leisure

8:45-13:30 In the morning, from the meeting point, the transfer to the Oceanògrafic of Valencia was made. During the visit, everyone was able to enjoy its excellent facilities, learn and become aware of the threats facing marine fauna in our times.

13:30-19:00 After the transfer to the center of Valencia, the participants had free time to enjoy the city of Valencia together and do some shopping.

21:00 All participating students had a group dinner in Vila-real.

Fifth day, Friday, December the 10th. City Council reception/Poem contest and MUN E+ reading resolutions/Closing ceremony/Farewell party

9:15-12:00 Participants were picked up at the hotel and escorted to the facilities of the town hall, the Mundina house, where an official reception was held by representatives of the municipal government.

The second working meeting of teachers took place. In it, besides the evaluation of the possible difficulties of the following mobility, the meeting in Spain was also evaluated.

12:00-14:00 First, the poetry recital was developed. Two students from each participating country read both the poem selected at each school written by the students themselves, and a poem by a local author, related to the topic of the project: democracy.

This was followed by a reading of the resolutions of the Model United Nations that had previously been drafted by the students. During the reading, a student from each school acted as the country’s ambassador sponsoring the corresponding resolution.

After that, the closing ceremony was held and the certificates of the meeting were handed over to the participants. In addition, the attendance sheets were signed.

14:30-16:30 The teachers had a farewell meal with the principal of IES Francesc Tàrrega.

The students moved to the natural place “El termet. ”

19:00-22:00 The farewell party was held at IES Francesc Tárrega. The Spanish students brought traditional food that had been prepared by their families.