
The evaluation of the project has been continuous and both quantitative and qualitative tools have been used. Below are examples of the questionnaires that have been used.

The project’s main achievements have consisted in the satisfactory fulfillment of the objectives pursued.

In summary these are:

  • developing European

  • democratic values ​​among 500 direct participants and 500 indirect participants.

  • contributing to a better intervention for social inclusion in the five participating institutions.

These achievements have been possible thanks to:

  • the raising awareness of tangible and intangible cultural heritage.

  • the contribution to cultural integration against any type of discrimination.

  • the increasing the linguistic, technological, communicative, intercultural and collaborative skills of students.

  • the experimentation and appreciation of different unknown cultural forms of expression and their relevance of on self respect.

  • the formation of democratic citizens who can think universally.

  • the practice and development of citizen competences

  • the creation of synergies by promoting the relationship between students from different cultures.

  • the promotion of the effective use of English by students.

  • improve communication skills, decision making and problem solving.

  • familiarization with democratic practices, such as participation, group action, intervention, assumption responsibility for matters of interest.

  • the creation of learning opportunities in a democratic environment.

At the end of the project the Schools:

  • have acquired a greater European awareness.

  • have improved the quality of education.

  • have experienced experience of a European project.

Students have achieved:

  • be more tolerant of different cultures, people and countries

  • be more aware of tangible and intangible cultural heritage

  • internalize the democratic way of life

  • oppose racial discrimination.

  • improve European awareness, respect for different opinions.

  • make new friends and communicate with them during and after the project

  • share knowledge and experiences

  • gain current knowledge

  • learn about different lifestyles

  • improve skills in foreign languages ​​and ICT


  • have increased their motivation and job satisfaction

  • have met colleagues from different countries and have shared their knowledge and experience during and after the project

  • have improved their teaching qualities by observing different educational systems and teaching methods

The tangible results of the project have been the productions of the participating students made for each Short Term Exchange.

All these results can be found in the project's eTwinning and are referred to on its website.

Questionnaires. Examples



1.What is the meaning of the word democracy?

    1. Demos (people)

    2. Kratos (rule)

    3. Dictate (ruled)

    4. A and B combined

2.Where did direct democracy first get its start?

  1. Athens

  2. Rome

  3. Washington D.C.

  4. Persia

3.Which of the following groups were allowed to vote in Athens?

  1. Slaves

  2. Women

  3. Land owners

  4. Children

4.Which of the following is not part of an indirect democracy?

  1. You vote for the people who become law makers.

  2. You can't vote for a new law yourself.

  3. A and B

  4. None of the above

5.What was direct democracy and how did it work?

6.Democracy is about protecting the best interests of the people. What are some of these interests?

7.What are the three branches of power in a democracy? What does each branch do? What are checks and balances?

8.What is the idea of the "General Will"?



Do you agree or disagree with these sentences?



1-I know the theme and the content of the project.

2-By the end of this project, I will have learnt a lot about democracy and democracy culture.

3-Democracy is just a term about electing the government.

4-There is an important relationship between democracy at the level of state and democracy in the society.

5-Democracy is not an all-or-nothing affair, it is a matter of degree.

6-In democratic states, government is not accountable to anyone because it is elected by the majority of the people.

7-In democratic societies there may be different opinions and these differences have a right to be expressed and listened to.

8-I think there should be censorship in democracies.

9-Active participation of all people from different socio-economic backgrounds is vital in democracy.

10-My ideas are valued at my school and in my family.

11-Our school is a democratic organization.

12- I can express my ideas freely among my friends.