Meeting Online

June 7 , 2021

1st Online Meeting “Democracy Begins At Home”

Under the Erasmus + programme, this morning we had the 1st virtual meeting with the remaining 4 countries that make up this project. We had 3 moments:

1st moment: presentation of countries, regions, municipalities and schools

2nd moment: knowing the results of the winning logo

3rd moment: characterize the type of democracy in each of the countries

Seeing faces and smiles from 4 parts of Europe was incredible because it allowed us to forget, for a while, the pandemic and allowed us to imagine what future meetings there will be, especially face-to-face ones, where we will be able to meet colleagues from Greece, Poland, Italy and Turkey! The atmosphere was one of sharing knowledge, joy, hope and learning. Today we are all richer, the backpack goes home full of good practices and internationalization! For the year there's more!