5 th  LTTA - Turkey

C5 - New Curriculum Design - Democracy and Citizenship for middle schools

C5 - New curriculum design - Democracy and Citizenship for midle school

Teachers meet in other to conclude the educational modules, after each group has worked during the project on the topics of the past interchanges, presenting extra assets and equipment.


June 26, 2023

Reception at Gazi Ortaokulu Seyhan School, Adana.

In the morning we were welcomed by the students and families. The students introduced the school and the work they developed during the project. Then we got to know the classrooms and the other school spaces. At lunch we had a surprise prepared by the parents. How much color, how many smells and flavors. A real treat! Turkish coffee and tea always accompany the meal. After a walk along the lake, we sighted the island of love. We had the drink that only exists in Adana, Bici Bici. 

The day ended with a very spicy dinner, the good Turkish way.

June 27, 2023

Cultural visit to understand Roman influences, cultural and economic differences. Trade routes are very present and in the Kirkkasik Historical Bazaar, we can experience Turkish coffee and the smells and colors that are so special and characteristic of this area of Turkey. 

The sea breeze from the Akdeniz (Mediterranean region) helped to withstand the humid heat! It was a day filled with culture and history of Turkish education.

June 28, 2023

Morning work on the final definition of objectives, dissemination and final report. After the meeting accompanied by Turkish coffee, we visit Kapikaya Canyon. The Çakıt stream, which originates in Niğde-Ulukışla, runs through the middle of the canyon, which is approximately 200 meters high. 

The famous Varda Bridge, construction of the Ottoman-German project of the Istanbul-Baghdad railway line to connect Berlin to Basra, then part of the Ottoman Empire, to allow the direct supply of oil to the German industry. 

A Pic Nic lunch, including freshly brewed Turkish tea by the fireplace. 

Today was a special day, an Islamic holiday in Turkey, Kurban Bayram (festival of sacrifice).

June 29, 2023

Cultural visit to the world heritage of Cappadocia

The lavas of the volcanoes located under the neogene lakes, formed a layer of crust of varied hardness, with 100 to 150 meters of thickness, over the plains, lakes and fluvial accidents. The "Fairy Chimneys" are species of conical bodies covered by a hat, the result of erosion caused by the water that opened the way. Balloon trips delight any dream or magic of childhood today, yesterday and tomorrow! The day ended with group work on the final objectives for implementing a discipline or deepening knowledge about Democracy, Citizenship and Human Development.

June 30, 2023

Briefing of the week and the entire project.

  We define objectives and contents of a discipline that can be applied in each of the participating countries.

  Workshop - Democracy and Citizenship, promoted by the Portuguese team.

In this way, the Democracy Begins At Home project closes a 3-year cycle of learning, sharing, visiting, cognitive, cultural and social enrichment.

Back home, Democracy will last for generations to come.

   "Democracy Begins At Home" -  the beginning....