1st LTTA - Greece

C1 - Identity (individual, national, European) and Democracy

C1 - Identity (individual, national and European) and Democracy  

Each team should have:

•         a presentation of your country, city/town and school (ice breaking - getting to know each other)

•         your national coat of arm and your national anthem (national identity)

•         presentation of  a  traditional dance(cultural elements)

•         a presentation of highlights of your history (national, historical elements)

November 14, 2021

The first mobility of the Erasmus project "Democracy Begins at Home" started in the best way, in Chios, Greece, with a lot of culture and fellowship among students from different countries. Today the focus was on multiculturalism, with emphasis on the visit we made to the monastery of Nea Moni from the century XI and the fortress village of Anavatos. During the day, students from different countries had the opportunity to socialize and share customs and traditions. And that way is how democracy and multiculturalism are promoted... 

November 15, 2021

The week starts with sun and a lot of joy and friendship. The reception at the 7th Primary School of Chios was excellent. The School Headmaster gave us a warm welcoming speech, followed by a fantastic musical performance by the Greek students. So lovely!!! After icebreaking moments between students and teachers from different countries, we had the opportunity to visit the facilities of the hosting school, with each of the school spaces being presented by greek students. A fantastic reception!! 

Then, each one of the schools presented their country, region, city and school, making known the best of their territory. The lunch was served at the school and was a gift from the parents of the Greek students. Thanks!!! It was a delicious lunch! There was also time for the partner schools to offer something from their countries, with excellent moments of socializing. A day to remember forever... 

November 16, 2021

Today was a full day, with lots of activities and lots of energy and joy. After having watched a typical Greek dance, we had the opportunity to see a drama performed by the 5th grade students: Aristophanes Eirini (Peace). Simply amazing! How expressive were our Greek friends! 

Then, students from Portugal performed, making known, in an expressive way, three songs that represent the passage from dictatorship to democracy in Portugal. After that, followed moments of fraternization and sharing among all and then we went to another activity, where students from each country made known the meaning of the flag, emblem and anthem of each country. It was an important moment of sharing everyone's pleasure. This was followed by the 1st shared workshop, where the students, divided into groups with pupils from each country, worked on a coat of arms with the inclusion of elements from each of the countries. Multiculturalism in action!!! While the students worked autonomously, the teachers held a meeting to decide several issues related to the project. What a great day we had!!! 

November 16, 2021

Today we had a fantastic cultural day, visiting the Chios Mastic Museum and the mastic villages of Pirgi and Mesta.

The Chios Mastic Museum is dedicated to Chios Mastiha (or gum mastic), the unique product that has shaped the natural and human environment of the Mastichochoria area of ​​southern Chios, as well as the island's productive and economic history.

Mastiha is the aromatic resin of the lentisc tree (Pistacia lentiscus Chia). This evergreen shrub grows wild throughout the Mediterranean, but southern Chios is the only place it is cultivated to produce Mastiha. The students really enjoyed visiting this modern museum and got to know more about this product used in cosmetics, cooking, drinks and much more...

Then we went to visit the typical villages of Pirgi and Mesta. These villages were built out of sight of the sea and surrounded by high walls with a central tower which was the last resort in case the walls were breached by pirates attacking the Mediterranean coasts.

Pirgi is the largest of these villages and its most interesting feature is the decorative designs scratched on the exterior walls of the houses, known as ksista. Pirgi is the ancestral home of Christopher Columbus, according to locals. It is accepted that he lived here for a while.

Mesta, a totally intact fortress town with 300 inhabitants, is the best preserved of these villages, a living history and cultural museum where life goes on as it has for hundreds of years. In this village we had the opportunity to have a tasty pita for lunch at a local tavern.

What a great cultural day we had!!!!

November 17, 2021

Another great day! We started with the continuation of the workshop, in which the students worked in groups with elements from each of the countries, to prepare the project's coat of arms. The final works were exhibited and the students voted for the coat of arms they liked the most. Tomorrow the result of the vote will be announced! 

Then, we went to the 2nd workshop, where the host students "taught" how to dance a song and, as a group, dynamize a flashmob! It was a moment of great sharing, with students from different countries working in groups. The activities ended with the reception that the Mayor of Chios made to students (2 from each country) and teachers (1 from each country), while the other students took the opportunity to walk through the streets of Chios and "feel" the city. It is clear that, as the days go by students are increasingly united and that multiculturalism has been a real achievement. 

November 19, 2021

Last day of this unforgettable LTTA!!!!

Day in which students voted for the best coat of arms, the one that will represent our project over time and in the various LTTAs. It was a process where students developed skills in decision-making, autonomy and responsibility to promote citizenship and democracy. The values of a Europe united in diversity were highlighted!

After the project's coat of arms was made known, the students elected some of their colleagues: the friendliest, the most hardworking, the most shy, the most fun, the friend of the environment... Again, the democratic spirit to work!

Then, students and teachers made an assessment of this mobility, filling out a questionnaire that will be the subject of a careful analysis at one of the next online meeting.

After the usual photographs to remember later, it was time for students and teachers to receive gifts and certificates from the host school.

The farewell is the hardest...