2 nd LTTA - Italy

C2 - Democracy and political life. Decision-making mechanisms. Elections and people power

C2 - Democracy and political life. Decision-making mechanisms. Elections and people power

The purpose of the second exchange is for pupils to deal with legislative issues, political frameworks, EU teaching, governmental parties and their role in democracy. They learn how they may affect legislative issues and what their tools are. Prior to the exchange, pupils make presentations on the political frameworks in their nations. They are informed about importance of decisions and take part in reenactments of elections.

May 28, 2022

2nd mobility "Democracy Begins At Home"

Today, again, the team from the 5 countries met again! Reception at the school by the project coordinator, the school director and the mayor. Students performed with orchestral music and songs that underscored the message of democracy and education championed by John Dewey.

The countries made their presentations, with videos and powerpoint.

This was followed by a visit to the different buildings of the school, which are spread across Acate.

It was an incredible day and above all, the experience for same countries who never imagined, having School on Saturday!

May 29, 2022

2nd day of Erasmus "Democracy Begins At Home"

Today the day was dedicated to the cultural exploration of the island of Sicily. We visit the city of Taormina, a small paradise between the Mediterranean and the Etna volcano. 


More than words, we share the photos that represent our experience today! 

It was a Buona Domenica well spent in the Italian cultural sharing between 5 nationalities.

May 30, 2022

Day 3 of the Erasmus + program: "Democracy begins at home" with workshops and presentations at the Acate school.  The end of today was a unique visit to the city of Modica with the chocolate workshop! 

Today the day was dedicated to sharing the different governance systems of the 5 countries!



This was followed by group work among all the students to develop an image and name for a party based on democracy. In the afternoon we went to visit the city of Modica. Very picturesque, sweet and romantic like all of Sicily!

May 31, 2022

Day 4 of the Erasmus + program: "Democracy begins at home".  Students from five countries - partners participated in interactive, experiential workshops strengthened even more the feeling of friendship and cooperation that knows no borders.  The current program was completed with a visit to the Mayor of the city Acate where he received a warm reception and hospitality with references to the history of the city that so graphically presented students of the host school.  Many thanks to all !!!! 

Today we did several activities at school, as well as a Flasmob www.facebook.com/100009466105746/videos/751251899205025/  in which all students danced to represent equality, fraternity and tolerance. Pillars of democracy, which reappeared at the reception, on the part of local government entities, who thanked us for our presence and willingness to continue European cooperation between different cultures, languages ​​and systems of governance. We were presented with lunch at the Castle of Acate, where we felt that we had traveled back in time!

Grazie our italian friends

June 1, 2022

5th day of the Erasmus project "Democracy Begins At Home"

Today was the last day of the European program Erasmus +: "Democracy begins at home" and the students of all groups - partners, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Turkey, presented the final products of the Laboratories that preceded the previous experiences.  

Elections www.facebook.com/100009466105746/videos/826048258784463/  are always moments of great importance in world democracy, today all students elected the candidate proposed for election, among 5 candidates representing different parties. Solidarity, equality, tolerance, fraternity and the fight against corruption were the axes that filled the electoral proposals. At the end of the work, it was time to say goodbye, with much gratitude and recognition for the way in which the four countries were received in Acate. We warmly thank the host school for the warm hospitality and the impeccable organization.  

In an atmosphere full of emotion we say goodbye to Acate and make an appointment in October in Poland !!!