
The increasing availability of data has created a sea change in the way we build interactive systems. It is possible to easily access information about a person’s activities, online and offline, about the state of the world around them, and about the activities of other people connected to them either directly or through their use of shared resources. This information can help to contextualize interaction, support inference, provide recommendations, or be directly investigated by the user themselves. The goal of this course is to provide you with the tools to build data-driven interactive systems and explore the new opportunities enabled by this data through a combination of guest lectures, discussion of current literature, and practical skills development. Over the course of the semester, you will learn about collecting, analyzing and interacting with data.

Article on some of what the students have accomplished in recent years

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Past years: [2016 Syllabus and Calendar] [2014 Syllabus and Calendar] [2013 Calendar]