First Guest Lecture: Golan Levin

Post date: Jan 30, 2014 11:48:55 PM

I am excited to announce that our first guest lecturer, Golan Levin, has confirmed that he can speak to the class this Tuesday 2/4. We will meet him in the study for creative inquiry, CFA 111. I have updated the class calendar accordingly, and more information about the impact of this can be found on Blackboard.

Golan Levin is a professor of Art Practice at CMU. He teaches the class "Interactive Art and Computational Design". He says on his website: I am an artist and educator living in Pittsburgh. I teach at Carnegie Mellon University, where I also direct the STUDIO for Creative Inquiry, an interdisciplinary arts-research center. I create interactive artifacts and experiences with a variety of collaborators. I also blog, tweet, and publish writings.

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