Prediction and validation using PERsonalized SARcoma Care (PERSARC)


The mobile PERSARC (PERsonalised SARComa Care) app is a prognostic tool specifically designed to support shared decision making for patients with a primary high-grade Soft-Tissue Sarcoma  of the extremity (eSTS), (to be) treated with surgical resection (and radiotherapy). The information in this app is relevant for patients with grade II or III sarcoma, and not for sarcoma subtypes other than those mentioned in the app or patients that receive any form of chemotherapy before or shortly after surgery. Using patient- and tumor-related characteristics, the app provides an estimate of the oncological outcome in terms of Overall Survival (OS) or incidence of Local Recurrence (LR).

The PERSARC model was developed by DASPO in an earlier project on STS with prof.dr. M. Fiocco (Mathematical Institute Leiden University) and prof.dr. M.A.J. van de Sande (Leiden University Medical Centre & Princess Máxima Center for Pediatric Oncology) as principal investigators. The implementation of the app was funded by the Dutch Cancer Society (KWF). 


In light of the heterogeneity of eSTS tumours, treatment recommendations depend on several factors and management decisions are often made by a multidisciplinary team. In this scenario, the PERSARC app represents the first informative support tool for the dynamic prediction of OS and LR in high-grade eSTS, using patient-, tumour- and treatment-related characteristics. It is currently used by many physicians in their daily practice to assess a more realistic prognosis of expected recurrence rates and life expectancy, improving their clinical-based predictive capability.

Relevance for cancer research

PERSARC predictions provide physicians and caregivers with valuable information that can be shared with the patient to strike a balance between prognosis and quality of life. It assists clinicians in better estimating realistic expectations for recurrence rates and life expectancy. This, in turn, may promote the identification of high-risk patients, who may benefit from perioperative chemotherapy, or the more frequent selection of limb salvage treatments, all the while ensuring comparable survival rates for these patients. Furthermore, given its established validity, PERSARC can serve as a tool for the validation and comparison of new models for OS and/or LR in eSTS.


This project about prediction and validation using PERSARC involves several studies.

Project Outcomes

PERSARC References

