covariates for
survival models

Advanced statistical modelling of time-varying covariates within survival models: an application to risk stratification and personalized prediction for osteosarcoma patients


In clinical research, to study the association between functional time-varying responses (e.g. biomarkers or toxicity) with a time to event outcome (e.g. treatment failure or death) is a challenging task.  Well-known examples are therapies which change during treatment, such as chemotherapy. Depending on patients’ treatment history or development of toxicity, chemotherapy treatment is modified by delaying a course or reducing the dose intensity. Models for time to event able to deal with the dynamic nature of the drug intake during treatment are not well developed. In addition, chemotherapy presents some particular aspects, such as latent accumulation of toxicity. The effect on survival is still unclear. To assess the association of time-varying chemotherapy and toxicity on survival is a difficult problem which involves the use of complex chemotherapy data.


Statistical models which deal with dynamic functional covariates will be developed to provide personalized prediction of long-term survival for patients with osteosarcoma. In particular, the project focus on the following methodological aspects

Relevance for cancer research

Within this project, research will be carried out in order to develop methodologies to deal with time-varying functional covariates for survival analysis of cancer data. These methodologies will be applied to provide personalized prediction of long-term survival for osteosarcoma patients. Since time-varying factors are usually measured in clinical research, these methods could be applied to other disease.

Project Outcomes

Partners & Team
