Data Analysis and Survival for Personalised Oncology

Applied Statistics Research Group at the Mathematical Institute of Leiden University


At DASPO we conduct high-quality quantitative research on survival analysis and related topics in the field of personalised oncology. We are active in the development of new methodologies for inference on the effectiveness of multimodal treatments in fighting cancer. Our group is also interested in the correct application and adaptation of existing statistical techniques to an oncology setting.

The research group is active since June 2015, when the first  KiKa-funded project on the efficacy of chemotherapy regimens on survival outcome in patients affected by osteosarcoma started.

📢 News: Double success! 📢

Following the excellent news of a new KWF-funded project for the development of a new clinical prediction tool for INDIvidualized loCAl Therapy for Ewing Sarcoma (INDICATES), DASPO doubles its success: a novel project funded by KiKa to develop a novel Personalised Approach to Chemotherapy Treatment for Ewing’s Sarcoma (PACT-ES) will commence soon. Stay tuned for more details!


DASPO is currently running several research projects. Of particular interest are therapy modifications like delays and dose reductions induced by acute toxicity.

Supported by KWF, DASPO developed a dynamic prognostic model for predicting survival and local recurrence under different treatment protocols in patients soft-tissue sarcoma, given individual and tumour characteristics. This model is currently embedded in the PERSARC (PERsonalised SARComa Care) app, which has now become an integral part of the daily practices of numerous physicians as a support tool in shared decision-making. Given its established validity, collaborations are currently underway on several projects across Europe, using PERSARC as a mathematical tool to enhance knowledge in eSTS.

Overview of our research projects

Clinical congresses we participated in



EEC 18th Network meeting, London 27/6/2023











daspo [at] math [dot] leidenuniv [dot] nl

Mathematical Institute Leiden University

Gorlaeus - Einsteinweg 55, 2333 CC Leiden