Visions of the Future

To motivate the discussions, we will start the workshop with a series of short, 5-minute flash talks. The flash talks will address two parts:

a) I HAVE A DREAM. What a reading machine/system will look like and how it will hugely improve aspects of our life in 10-15 years from now?

b) CHALLENGES. What specific challenges our community will need to tackle (probably not alone) in order to get there?

Each of the speakers is invited to also write a short white paper associated with his vision. Below you will find the list of confirmed speakers for the day - if you also want to participate, please let us know. The information below will be updated as it is being received.

Xiang Bai


Dave Doermann


Veronique Eglin

"To a Cross-Modal, Ecological and Human-Centered Document Information Retrieval Engine"

[slides, white paper]

Josep Lladós

"The 5G of Document Intelligence"

[slides, white paper]

Cheng-Lin Liu

"Toward human-like reading"


Simone Marinai

"Making documents accessible to everybody"


Vincent Poulain

"From the simplest to the most complex, the market evolution"


Seiichi Uchida

"I have two dreams!"
