
3rd Future of Document Analysis and Recognition Workshop

(FDAR - ICDAR 2021 workshop)

Tuesday, September 7th

This workshop is the 3rd edition of a series of workshops that aim to provide a space for reflecting on the past and envisioning the future of our community. Following the positive feedback and the large audience of the first two editions of the FDAR workshops in Kyoto (Japan) 2017 and Sydney (Australia) 2019, the Third Future of DAR Workshop (FDAR 2021) will focus on the future directions of document analysis and recognition, and the Grand Challenges that should be driving the community over the next decade.

The series of the Future of DAR workshops has been instrumental in the ongoing discussion about the strategic plan of our community, promoted by TC10 and TC11 leaderships. As such, the workshop is an important instrument, to collect direct feedback from the community. The first edition was structured around a series of short invited talks on the future of the Document Analysis and Recognition community, followed by work in smaller groups around specific topics that arose from the short talks. The second edition included Kialo discussions, the presentation of a white paper with a thoughtful analysis of the current situation (and trend) of the DIAR events, and the work in smaller groups to discuss specific topics.

As a result of the two FDAR workshops, it was established that a long term strategy for the TC10 and TC11 was necessary. This put in motion a series of actions by the TC10 and TC11 leaderships over the past two years towards defining such a strategy. The strategic plan has been informed by the analyses and proposals collected during the workshops, the online Kialo debates.

In this third edition, we would like to continue the discussion of the future directions of our community. After presenting the current state of things, discussions will continue on specific topics covering scientific, organizational and communication aspects, including the scope of document analysis and recognition research, the activities organized by our community, as well as possible synergies with other communities. A special focus of FDAR 2021 will be the definition of Grand Challenges for document analysis and recognition.

What next?

Check how to participate to the workshop here

Preview the 5-minute flash talks on the visions of the future of DAR

Join us on September 7th in Lausanne (or online)


  • JC Burie (TC10 chair)

  • F. Shafait (TC11 chair)

  • A. Fornes (past TC10 chair)

  • D. Karatzas (past TC11 chair)

  • CV Jawahar (ICDAR advisory board member)

  • K. Kise (ICDAR advisory board member)

  • L. Likforman (ICDAR advisory board member)