RAIN 2019

This weekend’s RAIN ride included commuting to and from the start with 440 total miles and 14 trips across the mighty Wabash River. The heat drenched you in sweat standing still. It was 100 damn degrees and not a cloud in sky. The weather experts said to stay in doors and avoid any strenuous activity. This ride should have done me in. I wore my dog tags in case they had to identify who I was. It literally had me shaking in fear. I don’t know what made me commit to it but I braved the storm. I wish I could simply say that all I had to do was to keep hydrated and properly nourished but I know it was more than that. I didn’t survive this because of a meal plan or drowning myself in water, or taking random supplements. This was proof of my training and most importantly the competitive nature and endless encouragement of my wife @darknoonette She relentlessly urges me to keep going to gym, put in the miles, and otherwise become an ultra distance athlete. It has worked. If it weren’t for my pesky livelihood that earns my living, I could have continued cycling. I felt so unstoppable after all those miles. So strong. Not a single joint hurt or muscle group sore (excluding quads omg). But it was amazing, and I owe a ton of credit to my wife. She sagged for me too. Btw, @unstpbleathletes built an amazing program for us over the last year and the workouts definitely kept my legs cranking and the rest of my body solid. (No ab pain!) thanks @weightliftingpastrychef and @jonpoole94 helping me become unstoppable!