2019 Florida

I rode with the South Florida Randonneurs on their 300k in January. I traveled to Florida for a work conference and there was no way I was going to pass up an opportunity to ride my bike there as well! Come on.... Florida or Indiana in the middle of January! I had an amazing time. I was not expecting the volunteers and all their support. They were wonderful. I gained some skills on this ride as well. I had a flat walking out the door then a pinch flat to follow. I started the ride 45 minutes late. I didn't like the feeling of playing catch up the entire rainy day. While it rained all day the temperature got up to almost 70 degree!!!! My biggest challenge was changing a rear flat in the dark in the rain and patching my first tire. Woohoo 1 out of 4 of the qualifying rides for pbp completed!




photos Coming soon ....... at least before 2020 ; )