"Let me tell you what I think of bicycling. I think it has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world. It gives women a feeling of freedom and self-reliance. I stand and rejoice every time I see a woman ride by on a wheel...the picture of free, untrammeled womanhood."

~ Susan B. Anthony 1896

Lydia Trott grew up in Fort Wayne, IN with her Mother, Rebecca, Father, Steve, and Sister, Stephanie. She was an active member in 4-H, 4-H llamas, junior leaders, high school colorguard, winterguard, and band. Even with such a busy schedule Lydia would still find time to ride her bike around the neighborhood. Her first real bike was a 10 speed huffy gifted to her on her 10th birthday.

After high school Lydia attended Indiana Purdue Fort Wayne to study Biology. After two years, Lydia applied to Purdue's Veterinary Technology Program where she was accepted and started the program summer 2007. The same summer Lydia meet Steve when they both joined the Purdue handbell choir.

In the summer of 2009 during her practicum at a practice northeast of Grand Rapids, Lydia begin "cycling". She rode an old beat up mountain bike in the country sometimes along gravel roads the entire summer. The Tour de LaPorte was at the end of the summer in Steve's hometown and Lydia had the goal of riding the 25 mile route. The ride was a long ride and even though she was the only one not riding a road bike, she completed it! The following year, Steve decided to upgrade his road bike and gave his red Cannondale to Lydia. She rode with Steve once a week in preparation for the Tour de LaPorte again in late summer. This time she tackled the 40 mile route. Success and a PR!

The Spring of 2010 Lydia purchased her very first road bike with all the bells and whistles: a dyanmo hub that powers an LED headlight and taillight, a rear rack, proper cycling shoes, and a cycling computer. Even with the new bike Lydia stayed in her a comfort zone. She rode a few times a week, and a long ish ride on the weekend. She never did much more than 40-45 miles in a day on a single bike. Over the next few years Steve and Lydia would try out a few new cycling events a year including Apple Cider Century and the CASA for Kids Cycling Challenge. The CASA for Kids 24 hour Cycling Challenge by far has been Lydia's favorite cycling event. The first year Lydia organized a team of 10 ordinary people and together they raised the most funds for CASAs for Kids Fund and rode the most miles on the Subaru Test Track. Over the next four years the team raised the most funds and did extremely well racing around the two mile test track. Lydia enjoyed riding with the night crew in the middle of the night the most.

2013 Night Crew

2014- Hip Stretch

2011- Night Rider

2012- Apple Cider Century- 40 mile

Over the last few years Lydia would talk about doing the RAIN ride, a ride that goes across Indiana in one day, 160 miles. At the end of 2015 she decided that enough was enough it was time to break from her comfort zone and push the boundaries. Besides, what else are you going to do the year you turn 30? Lydia signed up for three big events in 2016. The 3 states 3 mountains ride in May, the 30th anniversary of Ride Across IN in a day, 160 miles one way, and CASAs for Kids 24 hour Cycling Challenge were this year she would ride solo with a goal of 300 miles. Steve and Lydia joined the YMCA and started going to spin classes two-four times a week over the winter. Lydia meet with a trainer and started weight training for the very first time twice a week. Caleb taught Lydia the basis lifts and a few accessory lifts. The main lifts included squat, deadlift, bench, and overhead press, while accessories included body weight rows, triceps dips, push ups, hammer curls, split lunges, and weighted hip extensions.

Base training started the beginning of March which brought on a few early cold long mile rides. Lydia trained for hills early on by repeating the same five hills over and over for 80 miles. The first weekend of May Lydia along with Steve and their friend Brendon rode 3 states 3 mountains 60 mile ride. The ride included Suck Creek Mountain, a mountain with a 5 mile gradual climb to the top. This was the most amount of miles Lydia had completed in one day and the most amount of feet climbing!

Two weeks later, Lydia completed her first century ride at Fort Fitness for Health in Fort Wayne. She rode to the event from her mother's house then rode the 60 mile loop. Along the way she meet up with two young cyclist also considering riding in RAIN. Together they push though the wind and kept the pace up. After a quick lunch Lydia headed back out and retraced part of the route before return back to her Mother's house. The ride was good and not only did she PR in distance but also in average speed.

Lydia's next big event happen a few weeks later. Steve was out of town for a conference and Lydia didn't practically want to ride 100+ miles around her town. Since she had been riding the same darn routes for tempo and brisk rides she really wanted a change in scenery. They are not too many rides 100+ miles within driving distance. But Lydia found a 125 mile ride called a "brevet" in Wisconsin. Lydia didn't know what a brevet was but the $10 entry fee seemed like a bargain. Lydia didn't seemed concerned the ride would be unsupported. She had ridden before with packs so this should be no big deal. Lydia drove up after work on Friday and settle into the hotel room after getting her bike packed and ready for the 7am start time. After a filling breakfast of oatmeal and fruit Lydia joined 9 others and set out in the already warm weather. Along the way to the first control Lydia and Peter the Librarian were traveling about the same speed. After the first control Lydia asked if they could travel together throughout the day. The average speed was a little lower than Lydia had hoped but with the weather over 100 degrees and her cycling computer dying she was glad Peter was there. He had directions on GPS which meant they didn't have to relay on the paper copy. The day was long and hilly but successful by staying hydrated and fueled. Lydia rolled into the finish with another PR in distance and the total feet of climbing in a day!

The next long ride Lydia scheduled to ride was a route that almost crossed Indiana in one day. Steve dropped Lydia off in Reynolds, IN where she rode 100 miles to Salamonie Lake where she camped overnight with her Mother. This particular ride was the most mentally challenging on Lydia as she fought a 15-20mph headwind for 95 of the 100 miles. The next day she set out again (thankfully the wind had shifted directions) and rode 100 miles to Defiance, Ohio where he father lives.

A few weeks later Lydia had another traveling weekend planned. She started her 100 mile ride in LaPorte, IN. Steve's childhood friend's home was right off an adventure cycling route! Steve hung out with Brendon until meeting up with Lydia later in the day in Holland, Michigan. The next day Lydia set out on a sixty mile ride after hanging out at the beach in the morning with Steve. Steve rode with Lydia for the first 20 miles and Later in the day Steve, and their friend Kyle met up with Lydia in Muskegon. They celebrated the weekend with pizza and beer!

July 15th, 2017 was finally here. The second big event Lydia had planned for the year. She was nervous leading up to the ride. The beginning of the week she developed a very sore throat, and the Doctor diagnosis her with a viral throat infection. Thankfully, the sore throat went away but her allergies got the best of her and her sinuses went crazy. Lydia was consistently blowing snot rockets the whole day and learned a great lesson that pseudophrine and exercise don't mix. Her blood pressure and heart rate were sky rocket the whole day! With less than 2 miles from the finish Lydia got her first flat tire, and her cycling "wife" Molly came to her rescue and changed the tire in record time! New PR's of 160 miles at 14.5 miles per hour

The last longer ride before CASA was the women's century. This was a women's only century put on by the Wisconsin Women Cycling Club. Molly and Kathy from the club traveled up with Lydia. They are two hardcore women with incredible strength and were very kind to stick with Lydia knowing they could tackle hills with 5000 feet of climbing much faster than her. They meet two other awesome women on the ride, one whom was attempting her first ever century! The ride featured a wonderful dinner, beers, and a cowbell for a "medal" at the end. The next day was a co-ed metric century following the same route as the previous day. Steve joined Lydia as she tackled the tough hills all over again. This was the most amount of elevation Lydia had ever climbed in a weekend and she was definitely questioning why she picked this event when CASA is flat! In order to grow though we must work on the things that we dislike the most.

Throughout the year Lydia had many memorable short rides taking place throughout the week. Her favorites were the weekly Wabash River Cycling Club women's ride, riding with friends, and the weekly club beer rides.

Finally the big day had arrived.....The CASA for KIDS 24 HR CYCLING CHALLENGE!!!

The devil told women,

"You cannot weather the storm."

And the women said,

"We are the storm."



$1,260 for CASAs for Kids Fund


300 miles

Average Speed:

15.5 mph

Total Ride Time:

19 hours 33 minutes 6 seconds

Total Elapsed Time:

22 hours 54 minutes 53 seconds

Lydia had this to say after her event. "This past weekend was amazing! I still can't wrap my head around the fact I rode 300 miles in under 23 hours. Highlights that I'll never forget.....1) riding in a paceline with all four female solo riders in comradery. 2) having to tell Anna McCulfor to slow down because I couldn't keep up with her 3) Riding with shannon 4) the love and support all my family and friends showed whether at the event or though social media.

Thank you so much to everyone who donated to CASAs for Kids fund! Together we raised $1,260 and all the riders together raised over $91,000! Thank you Shannon Gilles, Anna McCulfor, Kari Kragerud Mueller, Tim Maas, Richard Abrahamsonn, Brendon Scott Debbie Ramirez, Tamika Huffins, Christopher Adamson, Sally, Chris W, and Laura for keeping me company on the track, drafting with me, or cheering for me on the front stretch. Thank you so much Mark Alan Cripe, Ann Cripe, Beth Gilles, and Sandy Taylor for cheering for and supporting Molly and I. Thank you to Katie Beard and Katie Adamson for passing me water bottles Saturday afternoon! A huge thank you to my sister Stephanie Lynn who helped out at the beginning and end cheering and keeping everyone up to date on social media. Another huge thank you to Pete Fletcher whom came out at midnight and making sure Molly and I were hydrated and fed and then staying and watching me finish! I can't say thank you enough to Mom (Becki Ashley-Emenhiser) who was a jack of all trades. She helped Steve and I pack the night before, set up, kept me hydrated and fed, baked yummies for the cheer squad, cheered almost every single lap, and helping with cleanup. Thank you to Steve Trott who after sprinting 34 miles rode my last 50 miles with me helping me stay awake and on track to complete my goal. He sacrificed much over the summer to help me achieve this crazy goal and I am forever grateful. Lastly Molly J. Cripe Birt, gosh darn you and your lying odometer helping us achieve our fastest 100k, century, and 160 mile ride!"

After CASA Lydia started looking into brevets and learned more though Randonneurs USA and rode the Indiana 200k brevet that fall. From that ride and CASA she discovered she preferred racing a clock and not other people. That winter she won the lottery for the grand brevet London Edinburgh London a 1400k brevet in the United Kingdom. To prepare for LEL in August of 2017, Steve and Lydia rode several events (200k, 300k, fleche, 400k, 600k, and a 1000k). Lydia's main goal is to ride the grandest of all grand brevets Paris Brest Paris in France August 2019. Check out ride reports to see her progress on her journey to PBP as well as read ride reports from 2017 and 2018!

In the winter, Lydia's favorite rides are Cranksgiving and Christmas Parade. 2017 and 2018, Steve and Lydia won the alley cat style race Cranksgiving by racing through the city collecting food items at different grocery stores.

Finally, Lydia also loves Cats, especially her cat Zorro! And she was going to take him to LEL if Steve didn't acquire a spot.