Digital Art and Design Logo

Program Electives

Digital Imaging 1

KCDM 241

Prerequisites: None

Course Description:

Students will be introduced to digital drawing, coloring, compositing, and image manipulation techniques for both print and digital delivery systems.

Course Outcomes:

The student will:

  • recognize the application of vector and bitmap digital imaging for a variety of media and art genres

  • communicate imaging concepts, considering genre and copyright issues, in concise verbal, visual, and written formats

  • apply input, output, and file backup methods such as scanning, calibrating displays, software color management, image resolution, and proofing for print and digital media delivery systems

  • understand the benefits of utilizing digital drawing tablets and extended displays in a digital workflow

  • implement and critique vector and bitmap imaging techniques (such as manipulation of type, compositing, texturing, digital drawing, and painting) as they apply to typical image production such as illusion of space, lighting, iconography, portrait, and figure

Software Requirements:

Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator