Post Production

Animation Assembly

Assemble all the animations to play back to back in the order below. There are a few issues to resolve prior to assembly. They are listed at the bottom of this column. You can find the animation files in the google drives listed here:

Order of Poems

  1. I Am by (Home) by Alayna
  2. Not Cool by Ahnesty
  3. Sugar Rush by Aremoni & Qyliyah
  4. We Are Gold by Alanna
  5. Black Women Are Our Guardians by Qyliyah
  6. Raining Poptarts by Aiyannah
  7. Poem for Freddie Gray by Diah
  8. I will Rise Up by Zaniah
  9. Rise Up by Diah
  10. Me by Aremoni
  11. The Chicken Poem by Willa, Aremoni, Ja'Nesha, Zaniah, and Qyliyah
  12. I Am ("I am tall, pure blue sky eyes") by Willa
  13. I am (Music) by Diah
  14. Credits (with theme song)

Issues to correct

  1. We Are Gold needs to have the police man switched to a woman and the teacher switched to a man. Bill will work with Marissa on this. The teacher is still a female. - DONE
  2. Intro
    • Description redo on title + audio:
      • " This incredible project involved 48 students between the three organizations and features 100% original work. Join these middle, high school and college students on a journey of spoken word, music and animation!"
    • Done - Add the theme song for all versions.. .and let's add the voice over too... since it's going back into post for revisions
    1. done- Titles of Poems in the animations should match the titles on the physical album cover. REVIEWED: see below.
          • I Am (Home) needs fixing. "Home" is not supposed to be in title. Put brackets around (Home).
          • I Am Music (version w/ audio description) needs title added + audio description of title.
    2. done- Credits need to be finished
      • Link to Credit Drive Template
      • Titles of Poems in the Credits should match the titles on the physical album cover. - DONE
      • Decide on pictures to use for the Leaders/Special/Audio Actors sections
      • Compile
      • Use the theme song for the credits
    3. done- Audio needs to be balanced between all the animations
    4. Upload to the EPIC YouTube channel and add closed captioning -

Audio Described Assembly

  • I Am Music by Diah: Audio description version needs title audio + title card.