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Cybirbs are not... big?


Cybirbs originate from mini robot birds called Mini-birb designed to deliver messages, monitor the surroundings, etc.

One day the Corrupt Meteor landed on Planet Celestae, emitting dark energy and corrupting many locals, causing chaos on the on the once-peaceful planet.

The creator of Cybirbs are an anthro bird species called Bybirbs and despite having the most advanced technology, they are getting to the brink of extinction due to the overwhelming numbers of corrupted fellows.

The last remaining Bybirbs used their teamwork skills and built the first battle armour for Mini-birb and named the model Cybirbs, after their own species name as they knew their survival chances are low at this point.

There’s only one issue: a power source that can’t be tainted by the dark energy is needed in order for the Cybirb to function properly and not get corrupted.