Quest Info

General quests are repeatable once a week.

Questlines must be completed in order. It is suggested to only do once for each Cybirb, but you may do it again as you wish.

If you obtain a Cybirb with completed questlines, you may do them yourself.

General quests are listed below and queslines each have their own page in the dropdown pages.


Chest-up at lowest, we need to be able to see if the Cybirbs doing the prompt actions, not just their head, go to #art-4-cookies for normal art.

By submitting questline prompts, you agree to have your art uploaded to the ARPG tab of your Cybirbs' ML entry. This is for showing your Cybirbs' participation in the ARPG and for us to be able to track which quests are already done for the Cybirb to prevent accidental repeat submissions for long questlines. 

General Quests

Difficulty is based of how much time and effort is predicted to be used, prizes also increase with difficulty.


Refreshing Refill

Draw your Cybirbs drinking their fav drink to refill their arm containers. Did any spills happen?

Cloud Race

Cybirbs flying in the sky, enjoying the nice view of the planet. Are they racing? or are they just playing with the clouds?


How fast can your Cybirbs run? Is the captured moment blurry? Did your Cybirb trip?


Defending the Planet

Yellow alert, foreign creatures have entered Planet Celestae with ill intent. Draw your Cybirbs defending the planet from this danger.


Extreme Monster Fighting

Red alert! OP monsta causing chaos! What do your Cybirbs do when fighting really powerful monsters? Do they fight in a flock or solo? Remember, we need to keep the planet safe from enemies, Cybirbs don't go on the offensive unless there is a threat.

*feel free to design the monster however you want, make sure to not copy copyrighted characters or other CS, we don't want conflict or drama to happen

Space Expedition

Are your Cybirbs wondering how it looks outside the planet? They can take the free 1-week trip to a foreign planet. Make sure to not bother local species.

*if using other Closed Species as part of this prompt please make sure it can be canon! Cybirbs can be canon with other species but other species may not allow canon interactions with other species as it can break lore!