Birb Academy

Welcome to Birb Academy! Here is where Cybirbs train to be stronger in defending Planet Celestae.




Choose 1 prompt from each category for a total of 5 prompts, which totals to 5 years in Birb Academy.

At least 75% of your Cybirb must be visible. Backgrounds are optional but can help show which prompt you did.

After completion, please wait patiently for the Certificate as there is currently only 1 person birb making it.

Year 1: Beginner Training

First year in Academy is to get ready for training and the harder tasks coming up.

Hide and Seek

Silly as it may seem, being able to hide properly is an important skill for Cybirbs, especially with their large size compared to the average bush, the most classic hiding spot. Little birds can dive straight into a bush or tree to hide but Cybirbs will just knock over the tree. Draw your Cybirb attempting to hide, was it successful or not? 

Battle Practice

Although Cybirbs all are pre-loaded with data, there is no way to upload battle experience as it can vary for each birb. Draw your Cybirb practicing fighting with an AI-dummy or a friend, make sure the other Cybirb is in the Academy too!

Sensing Danger

Cybirbs all have antennae, which are used to sense danger or communicate with other birbs. Cybirb antennae is really sensitive to air movement and can collect surrounding data at the same time. It can also be used to send signals to other Cybirbs to discuss teamwork plans. Draw your Cybirb using their antennae to sense their surroundings, or are they texting their friend secretly? 

Year 2: The Database

Since Cybirbs are robots they need to be good at searching up information and using their advanced technology. 


Cybirbs have access to many high tech gadgets such as hoverboards, jetpacks, drones, Cookie iSticks and more. Draw your Cybirb using one of the gadgets Lightning has in his lab. Did your birb use it successfully or was there technical difficulties? 


Most Cybirbs come with a high tech visor equipped with amazing programming and functions. Cybirb eyes already come with scanning functions but the visor is there to enhance that. It is used to scan unknown objects and also serves as a visual interface. Draw your Cybirb using their visor, are they scanning this particular object or are they playing VR games secretly?


Cybirbs need to be able to track down troublemakers that have hidden themselves after causing problems. Tracking down the troublemaker can solve future problems and potentially larger danger as some enemies like causing small problems to divert attention from the larger danger. Draw your Cybirb tracking down clues to a mysterious case, did they find anything?

Year 3: Elements

The actual training for how to properly use the Energy Crystal's energy in battle. 

Energy Crystal

Most Cybirbs have at least one Energy Crystal and it comes with a single element per crystal. It is important to know what powers can be used with that crystal and how to take care of it, as it is the life and energy source of a Cybirb. Draw your Cybirb learning about its crystal with the professor. 

Element Training

Being able to control the magic of the element in the Energy Crystal is important, you don't want to send out a big blast at your friends or a small squirt at enemies. Draw your Cybirb using their element, how was the effect of the magic?


Energy, unlike matter, only flows one way. Although Energy Crystals can store an absurd amount of energy, it does not have infinite energy and needs to be recharged by absorbing the light rays from the sun or light reflected off the moon. Draw your Cybirb resting under the sun or bathing in moonlight. 

Year 4: Final Challenge

Corrupt Shard Mimics are dangerous clusters of Dark Matter/Energy originating from its Corrupt Shard core. These mimics are one of the local pests that are difficult to defeat as they can even morph into a Cybirb and gain similar powers and battle stats. 

[Read more about Corrupt Shard Mimics]

For the Final Challenge, your Cybirb needs to battle a mimic and be able to defeat it. Draw your Cybirb battling a mimic and/or capturing it. 

Year 5: Graduation

Your Cybirb did it! They completed the whole program, now what? Celebrate of course!

The Certificate

Draw your Cybirb in their graduation outfit receiving their certificate from the headmaster. The graduation outfit can be any solid colour or gradient

Celebration Party

Draw your Cybirb celebrating with their friends and flock! What fun activities did they do?

Finished everything? Congrats! your Cybirbs have graduated from Birb Academy!

This quest is for Cybirbs who wish to get a Certificate