The outputs of research, especially publications , patents and other applied outputs, represent the largest part of the registry of research (provided by IS Věda system). CU uses its own breakdown of outputs into types and subtypes – full list of those see below.

Auxiliary categories of outputs

  • Scientific publications;

  • Applied outputs - publications and non-publications;

  • Other outputs - publications and non-publications.

Full list of types and subtypes of outputs currently used at Charles University

In the column Categ the following codes are used:PSCI = Scientific publicationsAPP = Applied outputsOTH = Other outputs

Typical significant type

Within the university, an expert discussion has been conducted to find out which types or subtypes of outputs are typically scientifically valuable (bringing original and meaningful knowledge) in a given research area. The result of this discussion is the list of "typically significant (sub)types" in every research area that, among other things, constitutes a criterion for the general characterization of fields and research areas. In addition, it serves as a basis for the allocation of quotas in the peer review (i.e. only outputs of typical significant types or subtypes in the given field are included in the calculations and comparisons carried out within the procedure of quotas allocation). However, to the peer review itself, units may nominate any output regardless of whether it belongs among "typically significant subtype" or not - the sole criterion should be its scientific quality.