Warm Demander

Warm demander is a teaching strategy discussed in Zaretta Hammond's book "Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain." It combines the qualities of warmth and high expectations in the classroom, recognizing the importance of creating a supportive and challenging learning environment. Warm demander teachers understand the significance of building positive relationships with their students, fostering trust, and cultivating a sense of belonging. They show empathy, understanding, and cultural sensitivity towards students' backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives, ensuring that students feel valued, respected, and emotionally safe.

At the same time, warm demander teachers set high academic expectations for their students. They believe in their students' abilities and provide rigorous standards to promote growth and achievement. They hold students accountable for their learning, encouraging them to develop self-regulation skills, perseverance, and a growth mindset. Warm demander teaching recognizes and acknowledges the cultural and individual strengths of students. Teachers leverage these strengths to create engaging and challenging learning experiences, empowering students to reach their full potential.

The concept of warm demander supports the development of a culturally responsive classroom by blending warmth and high expectations. It creates an environment where students feel supported, motivated, and empowered to succeed academically. At the same time, it validates and honors students' cultural identities and experiences. By incorporating warm demander strategies, teachers ensure that cultural diversity is recognized, respected, and integrated into the classroom. This approach fosters academic achievement while nurturing a sense of cultural pride, belonging, and equity among students.

In summary, warm demander is a teaching approach that combines warmth and high expectations. It emphasizes the importance of building positive relationships, showing empathy, and fostering a supportive learning environment. By setting rigorous academic standards and recognizing students' cultural strengths, warm demander supports the development of a culturally responsive classroom where students thrive academically while embracing their unique cultural identities.

Warm Demander Chart (Click to enlarge or print.) 

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