Culturally Responsive vs 

Cultural Responsibility

Step 1: Click on the down arrow on each image to learn more. Think about each as you move through the PLM.

Culturally Responsive: Culturally responsive refers to an approach or framework that acknowledges and values the diversity of cultures within a given context. It recognizes that people from different cultural backgrounds have unique experiences, perspectives, and ways of interacting with the world. The aim of cultural responsiveness is to create inclusive environments and practices that cater to the needs of individuals from diverse cultures. It involves adapting teaching methods, curriculum, and services to be more inclusive and respectful of various cultural identities. The focus is on promoting understanding, equity, and effective communication across cultures.

Cultural Responsibility: Cultural responsibility, on the other hand, refers to the ethical obligation or duty individuals or groups have towards understanding, respecting, and preserving the cultural heritage, traditions, and practices of a particular culture or community. It emphasizes the need to engage with cultures in a responsible and sensitive manner, avoiding cultural appropriation, misrepresentation, or harm. Cultural responsibility entails recognizing the value and significance of cultural diversity and taking proactive steps to promote intercultural understanding, collaboration, and preservation. It encourages individuals to learn about, appreciate, and protect the cultural assets and practices of various communities.

First Image from:

Second Image from: Society of the Advancement of Psychotherapy. (n.d.). 

Something to Remember:  While cultural responsiveness focuses on creating inclusive and equitable environments that respect and accommodate diverse cultural backgrounds, cultural responsibility pertains to the ethical obligation to understand, respect, and preserve the cultural heritage of communities while avoiding harm or exploitation.